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Name: (Unknown)

Identifier (HEX): 0x91
Identifier (DEC): 145
Effect pointer: C3F7

Pokédex sorting 0x91 is a glitch Pokédex sorting in Pokémon Crystal.


  • Opening listing may cause arbitrary code execution at region C3F7 in RAM. Can be ended with only a ret with no known CPU register issues.
  • Can open mode selection screen with Select, where description may be "q4 4 Ü8? hF4▷'d rRZ tzx rPoZ tzx 4( rREDF QぅÄB ' ' '[Dude temporary storage control character?] ₽?hyHrXFGEYYr FGEYR₽?hyHrwFGDYFr FGD't ]M . [many spaces] )". Pressing A may cause arbitrary code execution at region EA04 in Echo RAM (a copy of CA04 in RAM).

When accessed with C7D8 method

  • Same effect as above for pressing A (second bullet point)