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* 47 Itemfinder: Empty text box with sounds that also gets interrupted at the beginning. After a while glitch tile appears under item name. After a while text becomes scrollable which causes sounds to be played and list text to be corrupted. Locks up.
* 47 Itemfinder: Empty text box with sounds that also gets interrupted at the beginning. After a while glitch tile appears under item name. After a while text becomes scrollable which causes sounds to be played and list text to be corrupted. Locks up.
* 48 Silph Scope: Causes text box to appear with many 9's. After a while returns game to normal badge texts with glitch tile under item name. If you exit, player will be stuck in invisible wall. Also, music will be silent. If start menu is opened, there will be mostly white glitchy mess
* 48 Silph Scope: Causes text box to appear with many 9's. After a while returns game to normal badge texts with glitch tile under item name. If you exit, player will be stuck in invisible wall. Also, music will be silent. If start menu is opened, there will be mostly white glitchy mess
* 49 Poké Flute: Displays ellips text box with ellipses overwriting the bottom of the text box, normal music still plays. If you press a, many item obtained sounds will play. After a while Cinnabar music will play, and the game will display the normal badge man texts. If you exit, all people sprites are removed and player is stuck in invisible wall
* 49 Poké Flute: Displays ellips text box with ellipses overwriting the bottom of the text box, normal music still plays. If you press a, many item obtained sounds will play. After a while Cinnabar music will play, and the game will display the normal badge man texts. If you exit, all people sprites are removed and player is stuck in invisible wall. If start menu is opened, map will change to a glitchy mess.
* 4A lift key: Glitch tile with 0 error
* 4b Exp. All: Empty text box with sounds, that eventually becomes scrollable with introduction theme. Scrolling it causes a text box appear with chair tiles abnnd sounds with the introduction theme. 9's will also appear after a few moments. Eventually there will be a glitched version of it playing. Locks up the game. It will after a while display the normal badge man texts and play the correct version of the introduction theme. When exiting, the badge man sprite is removed and the player is stuck in an invisible wall. Start menu effect similar to silph scope

Revision as of 12:22, 9 September 2018

The badge items display their normal badge texts. and when the order is changed in the hex editor, the texts also will change correctly

ROM addresses 74E6E through 74e76 control the items that the Badge man lists. These are loaded in game at addresses cf7c until cf84 when you open the badge list

The normal badge items are 15-1C


  • Item 00 (j.): Displays an empty text box which also plays sounds, then restarts the game
  • Item 01 Master Ball: Displays an empty text box which also plays sounds, then adds a glitchy block to the start menu. After that returns to normal, with only the drum part of the music playing
  • Item 02 Ultra ball: Displays the same, requires the player to scroll two times, then plays one of the town themes, after it will go back to playing sounds, then it a different town theme again and after that freezes the game with a white screen
  • 03 Great Ball, will play sounds at first but will then play a glitched version of real music, this locks up the game
  • 04 Poke ball, causes 0 Error
  • 05 Town Maps, plays glitchy version of encounter music
  • 06 Bicycle: causes sounds to play and eventually a text box with glitch text which contains many numbers and black boxes appears. This glitches the map afterward
  • 07 ????? causes the game to display an empty text box which is scrollable, after scrolling it will display 0 error with sounds playing, after it will be scrollable again which glitches the text on the badge list. One of the sounds played is the sounds played is the intro of Lavender Town. Locks up
  • 08 Safari Ball: Plays slowed down version of Cerulean theme. Locks up
  • 09 Pokédex: causes the game to play sounds with an textbox loaded with glitch text, afterwards causes the game to return to normal but with introduction theme
  • 0A Moon Stone: displays 0 error
  • 0B Antidote: displays 0 error
  • 0C Burn Heal: displays 0 error
  • 0D Ice Heal: displays glitch text box with glitched intro theme and afterwards locks up without sound and with an invalid opcode - needs to be tested on 3ds
  • 0E: Awakening, causes game to play sounds very shortly, then returns to normal
  • 0f Parlyz Heal: causes a theme, to play with empty scrollable text box, then sounds play and another scrollable text box appears, afterwards game removes sprite of badge man and only plays a drum part.
  • 10 Full Restore: Causes glitch sounds to play shortly, then returns game to normal without music
  • 11 Max Potion: causes game to play glitch sounds with empty textbox, After a while text box will become scrollable with evolution music. Scrolling causes glitch sounds to play, a glitch tile to appear under the item name and a glitchy version of a theme. Locks up
  • 12 Hyper Potion: Causes glitch text to appear with sound. After a while list disappears and glitched elite 4 room theme starts to play. with text box without border which is scrollable. After a while plays guide theme. Eventually locks up with notes of one of the town themes
  • 13 Super Potion: displays 0 error
  • 14 Potion: causes scrollable empty text box with glitchy encounter theme, after wards another scrollable text box with Cinnabar Island theme. Then causesblack bar to fill the screen with a normal text box which displays error above the text box. Game still is playable afterward
  • 1D Escape Rope: Text box with 9 is displayed, after that game plays glitchy version of rival theme. The 9's appearing seem dependent on RAM data. Sometimes locks up
  • 1E Repel: causes glitch text box with many ellipses to appear. after a while sounds start toplay. After a while the normal text box appears and glitchy rival music will play. Game can be played afterwards
  • 1F old amber: Causes empty text box with sounds to play. After a while a glitch text appears with glitchy rival music and the text box becomes scrollable with many more sounds. After a while many 9's start to appear and the Cinnabar theme plays which also fades a way after a time. At this point the normal text box will come up without music with glitch text above it. It will however not react to button presses (though scroll arrow will continue flashing). A large part of ram will be filled with FF bytes
  • 20 Fire Stone: Glitch text box will appear filling with ellipses, and a glitch tile will appear under item name. After a while glitched introduction music will play and after a while will stop play while a large part of ram is filled with FF bytes
  • 21 Thunderstone: absolutely nothing happens
  • 22 Water Stone: empty scrollable text box will appear, after scrolling it another empty text box appears which locks up the game
  • 23 HP UP: displays empty text box with glitch noises. After a while rival music starts playing and game is playable
  • 24 protein: empty text box with noises which becomes scrollable after a while with glitchy rival music. After scrolling it causes a text box with glitchy text and sounds to appear and after a while this becomes scrollable too with glitchy rival music. This activates a similar text box which 9's eventually with Cinnabar music playing. This fades away after a while and the ram is then largely overwritten with ff's
  • 25 Iron: first plays a few sounds then displays text: Welcome to the Safari Zone
  • 26 Carbos: does nothing.
  • 27 Calcium: first plays some sounds, then displays scrollable glitch text box with number 777215 in it which after scrolling will disable the music and go back to the normal text box with glitch text above it. The game is playable after that but the badge man sprite has been removed.
  • 28 Rare Candy: Causes the game to display empty text box with glitch noises playing. After a while the game returns to normal with glitchy rival music playing
  • 29 Dome Fossil: causes empty text box with sounds playing. after a while glitchy rival music will play and text box becomes scrollable. Then a glitchy text box will appear that after a few moments becomes scrollable, which leads to another glitchy text box with Cinnabar music of death (CMOD). After a while the ram will be thrashed with FF bytes, which causes many 9's,
  • 2a helix fossil. Causes empty text box with an sound effect wich will become scrollable. After that normal text box will appear with glitch text above it.
  • 2b: Secret Key. Does nothing
  • 2c ?????: causes ellips text box. with guide music.
  • 2d Bike Voucher: causes empty text box with glitch noises, and after that return to normal with glitchy rival music
  • 2e X accuracy: causes sounds to play with including the key item sound with empty text box that after a while becomes scrollable with glitchy rival music. Causes CMOD.
  • 2f Leaf Stone Causes the game to lock up with PC/Select sound effect
  • 30 Card Key: does nothing
  • 31 Nugget: Causes empty text box with sounds to play. One of the sounds is partially the evolution music. After that the text box becomes scrollable with evolution music. After scrolling another empty text box appears with sounds and glitch tile appears under the item name. A glitchy guide theme is then played. Locks up game
  • 32 Fake PP Up: Causes empty text box with glitch sounds. Game continues normallty but with only drum parts playing of music.
  • 33 Poké Doll: causes empty text box with sounds to be played. Afterwards game goes back to normal with glitchy rival theme playing
  • 34 Full Heal: Causes sounds to play, and drum parts of the song, afterwards becomes normal again.
  • 35 Revive: Causes empty text box with sounds; afterwards game becomes normal with glitchy rival music.
  • 36 Max Revive: Causes empty text box with sounds to play and after that text box is scrollable evolution music starts to play. After that a new empty text box appears and after a few moments glitchy guide music is started which locks up the game.
  • 37 Guard Spec: Causes empty textbox to appear with sounds, then returns game to normal with Glitchy rival music.
  • 38 Super Repel: causes text box with parts of the start menu to appear with sounds, then locks up the game.
  • 39 Max Repel: empty text box with key item sounds, then plays glitchy music then becomes silent until pressing A. Also causes glitchy tile to appear under item name. Warps player to glitch map that causes white screen freeze.
  • 3A Dire Hit: causes empty text box to appear with sounds. Returns game to normal afterwards with glitchy rival music.
  • 3B Coin: Causes empty text box with sounds which eventually fills up with ellipses and glitch text with glitchy rival music, After scrolling it displays blank text, cPoké. ROCKET a few times. Eventually locks up with glitchy guide music
  • 3C Fresh Water. Causes ellips text box and and many item obtained sounds. Eventually plays guide music. Eventually locks up with route theme. Ram is thrashed with 75 value.
  • 3D Soda Pop. Causes game to briefly display a empty text box with glitch sounds. Causes game to return to normal
  • 3E Lemonade: Causes text box with ellipses at the beginning that becomes empty after a while and is scrollable then. After scrolling causes another text box to appear with ellipses with many item obtained sounds and guide music. Thrashes ram with 75 value. Freezes the game with first few notes of a route theme.
  • 3F S.S. Ticket. Causes drum part of a theme to play and returns game to normal
  • 40 Gold Teeth: Causes text box with few ellipses and then becomes empty after which it is scrollable. Eventually effects are the same as lemonade
  • 41 X Attack: Causes empty text box with many sounds to appear. After a while it becomes scrollable with evolution music and another empty text box appears with many more noises and glitchy guide theme. Also with glitch tile under item name. Locks up
  • 42 X Defend: Empty text box with glitchy rival music. Locks up
  • 43 X Speed: 0 Error.
  • 44 X Special: Text box with glitchy text that begins with sounds but then becomes silent. Locks up
  • 45 Coin Case: Causes empty text box with sounds, that becomes scrollable when glitchy route theme plays. After scrolling another empty text box appears with sounds with glitch tile under item name that ends with a bar freeze
  • 46: Oak's Parcel: Empty text box appears with sounds and noises and a glitch tile under item name. After a while returns game to playable with glitchy rival music. Removes badge man. If you return badge man will be back but no interaction is possible at first.
  • 47 Itemfinder: Empty text box with sounds that also gets interrupted at the beginning. After a while glitch tile appears under item name. After a while text becomes scrollable which causes sounds to be played and list text to be corrupted. Locks up.
  • 48 Silph Scope: Causes text box to appear with many 9's. After a while returns game to normal badge texts with glitch tile under item name. If you exit, player will be stuck in invisible wall. Also, music will be silent. If start menu is opened, there will be mostly white glitchy mess
  • 49 Poké Flute: Displays ellips text box with ellipses overwriting the bottom of the text box, normal music still plays. If you press a, many item obtained sounds will play. After a while Cinnabar music will play, and the game will display the normal badge man texts. If you exit, all people sprites are removed and player is stuck in invisible wall. If start menu is opened, map will change to a glitchy mess.
  • 4A lift key: Glitch tile with 0 error
  • 4b Exp. All: Empty text box with sounds, that eventually becomes scrollable with introduction theme. Scrolling it causes a text box appear with chair tiles abnnd sounds with the introduction theme. 9's will also appear after a few moments. Eventually there will be a glitched version of it playing. Locks up the game. It will after a while display the normal badge man texts and play the correct version of the introduction theme. When exiting, the badge man sprite is removed and the player is stuck in an invisible wall. Start menu effect similar to silph scope