Category:Pokémon cheat codes

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This category is for articles about Pokémon cheat codes for a cheating device.


There are currently no cheat codes for later generations, because unlike Generations I and II core games, there seem to be codes specific to more devices (while in the past; the examples of non-encrypted Xploder and GameShark codes would work the same. Exceptions were differences between how GameShark, Game Genie codes are formatted, or the means of cheating in other devices like the Monster Brain) and using a "GameShark" list for the next generation devices which aren't the GameShark may not be appropriate in that case.

Another issue is in general, the later the generation, the more likely codes are revision or localisation specific (even within the same language but a different region), for example codes for US and other non-US English variants of Nintendo DS games.

Some cheating devices as well were later given more features; such as devices which could make both RAM writes or temporary ROM patches (instead of the past GameShark/Game Genie distinction) or enable cheats only on certain conditions more elaborate than before (such as Action Replay DS 'on conditional button press' codes) (although there were unintended workarounds to do similar things before that, e.g. using cheat codes to corrupt the program counter and thus potentially enable conditional logic).