Celebi Egg glitch (party method): Difference between revisions

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1) Deposit the bad clone into Day Care and out to stabilize it into a ?????.
2) Put the bad clone at the '''top''' of the party.
3) Use move PkMn w/o mail (other methods do '''not''' work) to move a seventh Pokémon to the top of the party.
4) Don't touch the party, and ask the Day Care lady to raise the ????? again. This time don't take the ????? out of the Day Care yet.
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When a Pokémon is inserted into the party with the "move PkMn w/o mail" option, it is first inserted into the species list (according to the FF end-of-party marker), then inserted into the nickname list, OT name list, and Pokémon data list in that order (according to the party count byte). The insertion into the species list bumps the FF marker to the first byte of "Party Pokémon 1 data" (the data of ?????), then the insertion to the Pokémon data list bumps it to the second Pokémon data slot, in sync with the species list.
Now the ????? is removed from the party by depositing it in the Day Care (necessary because it is "invisible" to Bill's PC), which removes it first from the species list (again, according to the FF end-of-party marker), then from the OT name list, the Pokémon data list, the nickname list (by shifting the entire cHunkchunk of data under the removed Pokémon, up to Pokémon slot 6, up a slot). Now, removal from the species list finds the first FF marker in the first byte of "Party Pokémon 2 data", so it corrupts "Party Pokémon 1 data" by shifting everything up a byte, and setting the last byte to FF. Then the FF marker in the first byte of "Party Pokémon 2 data" is removed.
Depositing the first Pokémon into the PC will similarly only corrupt its own data (which doesn't even matter, because depositing a Pokémon into the PC ''first'' copies it into the box, ''then'' removes it from the party), but when depositing the second Pokémon, there is probably no more FF mark in the Pokémon data, which means the corruption extends to the OT names, nicknames, Pokédex flags, and possibly beyond that. This is visible in the linked video, as the nicknames of the Sudowoodos become "UDOWOODO".