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GlitchDex/Y:202: Difference between revisions

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Attacks: Kinesis, Karate Chop, Comet Punch, Sand-Attack, Poison Sting (Lv.1), Pound (Lv.2), Aurora Beam (Lv.9), Pound (Lv.18), TM34 (Lv.26), TM09 (Lv.29), Comet Punch (Lv.32), Ice Punch (Lv.40), TM09 (Lv.60), Glitch Move 0xB9 (Lv.135), TM07 (Lv.150), Guillotine (Lv.193), Guillotine (Lv.197), Glitch Move 0xA7 (Lv.204), Dig (Lv.205), TM45 (Lv.209), Wing Attack (Lv.213), Fly (Lv.225), Body Slam (Lv.236), Body Slam (Lv.241), Headbutt (Lv.250)
Type: Poison/Blank [0x73]
Evolution? Evolves from 4 4 Hy [C0] @ lv. 234 Evolves from ァ / g J 1 [C9] @ lv. 234
Obtain: Evolve [[GlitchDex/Y:201|ァ / g J 1 [C9]]] or [[GlitchDex/Y:192|4 4 Hy [C0]]] at Level 234. [[Arbitrary code execution]].
[[bp:Glitch (CA)|On Bulbapedia]]. Lag name. The game freezes after capturing this Pokémon (or performing other actions which would calculate its experience) due to a [[Experience division by 0 glitch|division by 0 in its experience formula]] from its experience group 0x95, but it is possible to evolve the glitch Pokémon [[GlitchDex/Y:201|ァ / g J 1 [C9]]] into it without a freeze.
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