GlitchDex/Y:221: Difference between revisions

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|name=4, ゥァ [[File:MS Bird Y.png]]
|frontsprite=Front: [[File:YGlitch207.png]]
|backsprite= Back: [[File:Y Backsprite Family 207.png]]
|bulbapedia=[[bp:4, ゥァ (DD)|4, ゥァ (DD)]]
|equivalent=[[GlitchDex/RB:221|7PkMn 'v (DD)]]
|namebytes=C9 FA F4 CA EA E9 C6 CD DF 47 50
|flagseen=Bit 0x6 of item 3's quantity (+64)
|flagown=Seen Golduck
|typing=[[False type|Ghost (0x88)]]/[[False type|Normal (0x92)]]
|expgroup='''0x91''' [[File:Y 91 experience group.png|220px]]<br>Experience at Level 100: 390,038<br>Experience at Level 255: 7,496,555
{| class="wikitable"
4, ゥァ [DD] (207)
Dec: 221
! [[GlitchDex/Y:220|← Previous glitch Pokémon]] !! Current glitch Pokémon !! [[GlitchDex/Y:222|Next glitch Pokémon →]]
Hex: DD
Stats Lv.5: Atk 19, Def 19, Spd 19, Spc 19, HP 28
| [[GlitchDex/Y:220|PkMn pゥ ゥ (DC)]] || '''4, ゥァ (DD)''' || [[GlitchDex/Y:222|8 (DE)]]
Stats Lv.100: Atk 301, Def 287, Spd 291, Spc 303, HP 378
Stats Lv.255: Atk 759, Def 724, Spd 734, Spc 764, HP 948
Attacks: Leech Life, Leech Life, Hi Jump Kick, Petal Dance, Wing Attack (Lv.8), Doubleslap (Lv.11), Glitch Move 0x00 (Lv.12), Glitch Move 0x00 (Lv.13), TM20 (Lv.14), Headbutt (Lv.16), Mega Punch (Lv.27), TM03 (Lv.28), Earthquake (Lv.32), TM01 (Lv.34), Doubleslap (Lv.40), Sleep Powder (Lv.42), Doubleslap (Lv.49), Glitch Move 0x00 (Lv.51), Horn Drill (Lv.61), TM03 (Lv.63), TM41 (Lv.64), Poisonpowder (Lv.69), Sleep Powder (Lv.76), Razor Leaf (Lv.79), Glitch Move 0x00 (Lv.87), Withdraw (Lv.99), TM04 (Lv.102), Glitch Move 0x00 (Lv.115), TM05 (Lv.120), TM30 (Lv.122), TM40 (Lv.124), Aurora Beam (Lv.126), Supersonic (Lv.128), Glitch Move 0x00 (Lv.131), Glitch Move 0x00 (Lv.137), Comet Punch (Lv.151), Glitch Move 0xBB (Lv.153), Glitch Move 0xBB (Lv.159), Double Kick (Lv.175), Horn Drill (Lv.176), TM45 (Lv.184), Acid (Lv.185), Screech (Lv.187), Glitch Move 0xAB (Lv.195), TM41 (Lv.199), Withdraw (Lv.204), Struggle (Lv.205), Explosion (Lv.220), TM17 (Lv.221), TM21 (Lv.230), Mimic (Lv.237), Glitch Move 0xB8 (Lv.240), Aurora Beam (Lv.245), TM05 (Lv.253), Wing Attack (Lv.254)
Type: Ghost [0x88]/Normal [0x92]
Evolution? None
'''4, ゥァ''' is a dual-type [[False type|Ghost (0x88)]]/[[False type|Normal (0x92)]]-type [[glitch Pokémon]] in {{Yellow}}.
Obtain: [[Time Capsule exploit]] (Bellossom), [[LOL glitch]] (0xDD sub-tile), [[Storage box remaining HP glitch]] with a remaining HP of 221, [[international fossil conversion glitch]] with an Attack stat of 221. [[Arbitrary code execution]]. [[Equivalent trade glitch Pokémon|Equivalent trade]] of {{gdex|RB:221}} from Red/Blue.
Its [[glitch Pokémon family|family]] number is 207.
[[bp:7PkMn 'v|On Bulbapedia]].
Becomes [[GlitchDex/{{gdex|RB:221|7PkMn 'v (DD)}} is the [[equivalent trade glitch Pokémon]] in Red/Blue{{RB}}.
It cannot be caught with the [[Trainer escape glitch]] or another means of instant encounter, as a [[Juggler (used copy Generation I glitch Trainers)|Juggler (used copy)]] battle will be initiated instead.
[[File:YGlitch207.png]] : Front sprite [[File:Y Backsprite Family 207.png]] : Back sprite [[File:MS Bird Y.png]] : Menu sprite
==Methods to obtain==
*[[Party remaining HP glitch]] or [[storage box remaining HP glitch]] with a remaining HP of 221.
*[[Time Capsule exploit]] (Bellossom).
*[[LOL glitch]] (0xDD tile)
*[[International fossil conversion glitch]] with an Attack stat of 221.
*[[Equivalent trade glitch Pokémon|Equivalent trade]] of [[GlitchDex/RB:221|7PkMn 'v (DD)]] from {{RB}}.
*[[Arbitrary code execution]]
==Starting moves==
*Leech Life
*Leech Life
*Hi Jump Kick
*Petal Dance
==Pokédex data==
Line 23 ⟶ 65:
[[File:Y Dex DD.png]]
==Level-up moves==
==[[Base structure Pokédex marker byte|Pokédex marker byte]]==
* Wing Attack (Level 8)
* Doubleslap (Level 11)
* Glitch Move 0x00 (Level 12)
==[[Glitch Pokédex flags|Pokédex flags]]==
* Glitch Move 0x00 (Level 13)
*Seen: Bit 0x6 of item 3's quantity (+64)
* TM20 (Level 14)
*Own: Seen Golduck
* Headbutt (Level 16)
* Mega Punch (Level 27)
==Catch rate constant==
* TM03 (Level 28)
* Earthquake (Level 32)
* TM01 (Level 34)
==Base experience yield byte==
* Doubleslap (Level 40)
* Sleep Powder (Level 42)
* Doubleslap (Level 49)
==Sprite dimensions (in base data structure)==
* Glitch Move 0x00 (Level 51)
* Horn Drill (Level 61)
* TM03 (Level 63)
==Front sprite dimensions (actual)==
* TM41 (Level 64)
* Poisonpowder (Level 69)
* Sleep Powder (Level 76)
==Back sprite dimensions (actual)==
* Razor Leaf (Level 79)
* Glitch Move 0x00 (Level 87)
* Withdraw (Level 99)
==Front sprite source pointer==
* TM04 (Level 102)
* Glitch Move 0x00 (Level 115)
* TM05 (Level 120)
==Back sprite source pointer==
* TM30 (Level 122)
* TM40 (Level 124)
* Aurora Beam (Level 126)
==Experience group==
* Supersonic (Level 128)
Yellow glitch experience group 0x91:
* Glitch Move 0x00 (Level 131)
Experience=[[File:Y 91 experience group.png]]
* Glitch Move 0x00 (Level 137)
* Comet Punch (Level 151)
*Experience at Level 100: 390,038
* Glitch Move 0xBB (Level 153)
*Experience at Level 255: 7,496,555
* Glitch Move 0xBB (Level 159)
* Double Kick (Level 175)
* Horn Drill (Level 176)
* TM45 (Level 184)
* Acid (Level 185)
* Screech (Level 187)
* Glitch Move 0xAB (Level 195)
* TM41 (Level 199)
* Withdraw (Level 204)
* Struggle (Level 205)
* Explosion (Level 220)
* TM17 (Level 221)
* TM21 (Level 230)
* Mimic (Level 237)
* Glitch Move 0xB8 (Level 240)
* Aurora Beam (Level 245)
* TM05 (Level 253)
* Wing Attack (Level 254)
==TM/HM moves==
Line 77 ⟶ 137:
*TM47 Explosion
*TM50 Substitute
==Base stats==
==Time Capsule exploit moves==