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Name (transcribed): #QGn#Sl

Identifier (HEX): 70
Identifier (DEC): 112
Effect pointer: 00:3725 (ROM 0)
Unterminated name glitch item?: No
Tossable/Sellable?: No
Buy Price: 915093
Sell Price: 457546
Name bytes: $42, $90, $86, $ad, $42, $92, $ab, $50

(hex:70) is a glitch item in Pokémon Red and Blue.

Its name is taken from mojibake of Pokémon Red/Green's untranslated "プチキャプテン" (Petit Captain) string. "プチキャプテン" is also the name of the hex:70 glitch item in Japanese versions.

The item runs code starting from 00:3725 (LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer1), which reloads saved screen data. Although after the item is used the game redraws the screen anyway, so the effects are usually invisible. If you get lucky with timing, you can see 1/3rd of the screen become these saved tiles for a frame.

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