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List of glitch Pokémon: Difference between revisions

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==Generation I==
Here is a useful document on the Japanese glitch Pokémon, created by Dannydanny.
([https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UXh27xFgGqrrxKJx-afoqZ22ROe_X1Ex-oU9KTWxkGM/edit link])
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*[[GlitchDexFR/Y:202|」. ë ô (hex:CA)]]
*[[GlitchDexFR/Y:203| . ë ôpゥ ᴘô (hex:CB)]]
*[[GlitchDexFR/Y:204| ,.ëê8ô y' ô (hex:CC)]]
*[[GlitchDexFR/Y:205|ゥ. ëô B (hex:CD)]]
*[[GlitchDexFR/Y:206|ᴘᴋᴍɴ pゥ ôゥ (hex:CE)]]
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