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The '''Mystery Gift shop glitch''' is a glitch in {{BR}}.
In [[bp:Pokémon Battle Revolution|Pokémon Battle Revolution]], the 'Mystery Gift' option of the 'Shop' interface was intended to allow players to purchase a variety of items or Gift Pokémon, but not the same item or Gift Pokémon more than once, for the exchange of a {{Explain|certain amount|The three Gift Pokémon do not cost any Poké Coupons.}} of [[bp:Poké Coupon|Poké Coupon]]s. Effectively, the game engines of the [[bp:Generation IV|Generation IV]] Pokémon games also prevent the player from receiving the same item or Gift Pokémon more than once, which for the intentions of the game developers, is ideal in the 'Secret Gift's case for example, because it is free and it is not meant to be received for a multiple amount of times without the player starting a new Save File. Also, as not to receive multiple gifts on separate Pokémon games (which the player may own); on the same Save File, if the player uses the same DS, Pokémon Battle Revolution will prevent itself from distributing the gift once more.
The Mystery Gift shop can be used to obtain certain items in the Mystery Gift shop for a price (in [[bp:Poké Coupon|Poké Coupon]]s).
An oversight exists in the distribution system however. If the player owns more than one DS with more than one Fourth Generation Pokémon game, or if another player is using a different [[wikipedia:Nintendo DS|Nintendo DS]], there is nothing to stop the player receiving that particular item or gift more than once within the three minute session of its distribution if the 'GET VIA WIRELESS' option is selected on both DSes. This is quite a serious oversight in the game engine if the distributed item cost a relatively large amount of battle points, as an item such as the Liechi Berry (which usually costs 38400 Poké Coupons) could be distributed multiple times in the same session without the player spending any further battle points.
After buying an item, the player has a 300 second time limit to obtain it, and the player is expected to use a single Nintendo DS system with a single Pokémon game.
Similarly, if another player is in range of the wireless distribution, he or she would be able to receive that item in his or her Nintendo DS game for free, whilst the other player would have to spend the relevant amount of Poké Coupons. This gives the first player an unfair advantage over the other player.
Due to an oversight, it is possible to use another Nintendo DS system with another copy of Pokémon to obtain a second Mystery Gift for free, as long as it is near the Wii.
The phenomenon can simply be explained because of the fact that the game engine of the [[bp:Generation IV|Generation IV]] game considers the Mystery Gift as an ordinary distribution which can be distributed to multiple Nintendo DS games, but not the same [[save file]] more than once (no other distribution is programmed otherwise, except one type which can be received for a certain, or unlimited amount of times on the same game). Pokémon Battle Revolution will stop the player from distributing the gift again if the same Nintendo DS system or Pokémon game is used twice, but it will not stop the player from using a different game on a different Nintendo DS system, so effectively multiple amounts of the same item can be obtained in the three minute distribution session.
[[Category:Non-core series Pokémon game glitches]]