Pokégear map out of bounds glitch

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The Pokégear map out of bounds glitch is a glitch in Pokémon Gold, Silver and Crystal.

A glitch location on the Pokégear map

This glitch occurs when the player enters Kanto from Johto earlier than expected and allows the player to view glitch locations on the Pokégear map. It can be replicated by warping directly from Johto to Pallet Town, opening the Pokégear map and scrolling down.


When the player scrolls down on the Pokégear map, they will access Johto locations but on the Kanto map. Scrolling down further allows the player to access glitch locations, including arbitrary name glitch locations with data from VRAM (and on one case Echo RAM sourced from E88E).

Using arbitrary code execution, the player can manipulate the data at E88E (C88E) to what they want to create a custom location name.

Gold/Silver box names required

Get wrong pocket TM17 (thanks Crystal_)

Box 1: Ap0'déy(female symbol)Pk

Box 2: 'v't'véé'l2h

Box 3: 'd'd2'v9.9't

Box 4: é?2hhhhh

Box 5: h'm(female symbol)(female symbol)

Warp to Pallet Town TM17 code

Box 1: Apé'm2555

Box 2: pppp0N'vA

Box 3: éA4p0B'vA

Box 4: é!255555

Box 5: p'v8éB4x'd (x is the lowercase x not the multiply sign)

Crystal 0x15 control character (unterminated name) arbitrary code execution

Required box names to warp to Pallet Town:

Box 1: p0N'vA555

Box 2: év6p0C'vA

Box 3: éw6p5555

Box 4: 0'd'v(male symbol)éX55

Box 5: x'd555555 (lowercase x, not the multiply sign)

YouTube video

YouTube video by ChickasaurusGL

Responsible code for the bug

According to p-p-pfero:

   ld hl, wPokegearMapCursorLandmark
   ld a, [hl]
   cp e
   jr nz, .wrap_around_down
   ld a, d
   inc a
   ld [hl], a
   dec [hl]


  • SatoMew (documentation)
  • ChickasaurusGL (video, article description, box name codes)
  • p-p-pfero (ASM snippet analysis)
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