Pokémon Stadium name truncation glitch

From Glitch City Wiki
This glitch is for a home console Pokémon game.

The Pokémon Stadium name truncation glitch is a miscellaneous glitch in the first US revision Pokémon Stadium that causes Pokémon names to become truncated to the first space character when a connected Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow game's box data is manipulated in game using the Pokémon Lab feature.

This section is incomplete, please feel free to add any missing information about the subject. It is missing: Investigate which revisions and regions of Pokémon Stadium this glitch can be performed on.


  1. In any Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow game, give a Pokémon a name that includes a space, preferably in the middle as to more obviously demonstrate the glitch. Save.
  2. Connect the game to Pokémon Stadium using a Transfer Pak.
  3. Using the Pokémon Lab feature, manipulate box or party data in any way. Save these changes.
  4. Load the Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow save and check the Pokémon's name, it should be truncated to the first space byte.


When manipulating box data in Pokémon Stadium using the Pokémon Lab, the game will convert Pokémon names from the format used in Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow to the format used in Stadium. It does so by using a char map[1] to convert bytes from one format to another, and any characters that are not usable characters in any Generation I games are converted to 0x00 bytes. When Pokemon Stadium goes to save box data back to cart, it will run a reverse char map conversion[2] to convert bytes back into the equivalent Generation I bytes. In the first revision of Pokémon Stadium, however, the 0x00 bytes are not correctly turned into the RBY space byte, 0x7f, and are instead left as is, resulting in all space bytes in a Pokémon's name being converted into null bytes (0x00). This bug was fixed in future revisions of Pokémon Stadium.

YouTube Video and Explanation

YouTube video by ChromaLock


Thank you to Zelly_9191 on Discord for bringing this glitch to our attention.

Thank you to ChromaLock on Youtube for independently discovering and investigating this glitch.
