Rst $30 (Generation II)

From Glitch City Wiki

The instruction rst $30 (also written as rst 30h or simply rst 30) is a single-byte GBZ80 assembly instruction that calls the address $0030 in the ROM. In Generation II Pokémon games, $0030 is in the middle of the function JumpTable (at $0028), with a functionality that is coincidentally very useful in various ACE exploits.

Its opcode is 0xF7, which also represents the character "1" (the digit "one") in Generation II.


The relevant instructions at $0030 in Generation II Pokémon games are:[1]

ld l, a
pop de
jp hl

When rst $30 is executed, the game pushes the address following rst $30 onto the stack as the return address before jumping to $0030. However, the pop de instruction then pops that address into de, before jumping to hl (where the value of l has been set to a due to the ld l, a instruction). Therefore, the net effect of this instruction is to set de to the following address, and then jump to an address with high byte h and low byte a, without changing the stack.


Compared to a simple jp hl (available in Generation II as the character "&"), rst $30 has the advantage of not needing to set l manually, which is rather difficult with box name codes; a is much easier to manipulate, while h can be set through the combination of push af; pop hl ("♀ PK").

Furthermore, the ability to set de to the following address is useful when trying to return to a text printing routine, which will often try to continue displaying text from de. When rst $30 is immediately before a 0x50 text terminator (e.g. by letting "1" be the last character of a box name), de will point to 0x50 after jumping, guaranteeing safe return from the ACE.

Example usages
