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{{bulbapedia2|Hybrid glitchGlitch Pokémon family}}
''"Hybrid" redirects here, for other uses outside of Pokémon [[glitches]] see [[wikipedia:hybrid|Wikipedia's disambiguation page]].''
{{bulbapedia2|Hybrid glitch Pokémon}}
[[File:Blue Ultimus Trainer.png|frame|right|"Blue Ultimus"'s Trainer. "Trainer" is of the Magnemite family (#081), so it shares many traits with Magnemite.]]
''If you were looking for unstable hybrid Pokémon, see [[unstable hybrid]].''
TheAn termindividual '''Hybrid Glitchglitch Pokémon family''' referscontains toall of the numerous amount of [[glitch Pokémon]] whichin closelyGeneration shareI someunder ofa thecertain characteristicsPokédex ofnumber. aFor legitimate Pokémonexample, or[[GlitchDex/RB:000|'M sometimes(00)]] aand [[placeholderMissingno.]] glitchare Pokémon.of Hybridsthe may000 sharefamily. similarThe base statscharacteristics of otherfamilies Pokémon,are havedifferent thebetween sameRed/Blue pictureand of that PokémonYellow, orand onother rareversions, occassionssuch shareas the sameJapanese cryRed/Green.
Glitch Pokémon that share the same Pokédex number (family) have the same starting moves, base stats, typing, catch rate and base experience yield. This is because the ROM uses a data structure ([ see here]) where certain data (including the above data, but not limited to) for all Pokédex numbers is defined.
Glitch Pokémon with the same family may also share the same front sprites, as is the case with [[GlitchDex/RB:000|'M (00)]] and Red/Blue's normal [[Missingno.]] but not always. Other than the possibility of the sprite being partially random, if the Pokémon's index number is significantly different, it may have a different sprite due to the game using a different bank (see [ here] for more information) for its three-byte pointer (note that only the bank changes, not the two-byte pointer).
Hybrid glitch Pokémon have appeared in the Pokémon series ever since [[bp:Generation I|Generation I]]. For example, [[LM4]] is a hybrid of [[bp:Poliwrath (Pokémon)|Poliwrath]] and the variety of [[MISSINGNO. (name)|MISSINGNO.]] with a hexadecimal [[identifier]] of 1F is arguably a hybrid of [['M]].
===Hybrid glitch Pokémon===
==In Generation IV==
A glitch Pokémon may share the same family as a valid Pokémon (#001-151). These are known as '''hybrid glitch Pokémon''' (not to be confused with [[unstable hybrid]]s), and they share the attributes described above like typing and starting moves.
An example of a hybrid glitch Pokémon is [[GlitchDex/RB:205|'Trainer']]; a Magnemite hybrid. It also shares Magnemite's exact front sprite, unlike say the hybrid glitch Pokémon [[GlitchDex/RB:198|ゥL ゥM 4]]. Although ゥL ゥM 4 is a hybrid of Poliwrath, it does not share Poliwrath's sprite.
Hybrid Glitch Pokémon in [[bp:Generation IV|Generation IV]] or sometimes "DP hybrids" exist in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl and unlike the hybrid glitch Pokémon in [[bp:Generation I|Generation I]] these Pokémon in a sensible order (when compared to Generation I Hybrid Glitch Pokémon) with a hybrid of the glitch Pokémon with an index number of 0000 starting at a hexadecimal identifier of 8000 (32769 in [[decimal]]) and ending with a hybrid of [[bp:Arceus (Pokémon)|Arceus]] with a hexadecimal identifier of 81ED (33261 in decimal).
If a glitch Pokémon with an invalid family (#152-256, i.e. 000) is captured and its [[Glitch Pokédex flags|capture flag]] isn't set, it will become a Rhydon in the party or storage box after it is caught and its Pokédex entry is closed, due to the [[Rhydon glitch]].
Originally these Pokémon were thought to be 'pure [[glitch]]', in the sense that such Pokémon were completely unique, however further research has shown that all of these Pokémon share the same cry and the same moveset including a (as of yet) undocumented glitch move, which possibly suggests that the game is reading the information from the same group of bytes. This might be the game's attempt of reading information from other related variables such as the cries of other Pokémon.
Due to all Pokémon in a glitch Pokémon family sharing the same Pokédex number; they also share the same 'encounter' and 'capture' [[glitch Pokédex flag]]s, meaning that, for example, both 'M and Missingno. will add 128 to the sixth item if there are less than 128 items there due to them sharing the Pokédex number 000.
It is notable that in these games the byte which manages what species the player encounters is unsigned. 8000 (32769) is actually half of FFFF (65535) which may suggest that some of the signed information about Pokémon with an identifier less than 8000 is read as a positive integer, and that some of the signed information about Pokémon with an identifier greater than or equal to 8000 is read as a negative integer.
==See also==
==In *[[Generation IV== hybrid]]s.
*[[Unstable hybrid]]s.
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