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Guides:Mail Writer GS (non-EN): Difference between revisions

Line 597:
12 ld (de), a
18 EF jr .continue
21 01 C4 ld hl, $C401 ; .screenLoop
4D ld c, l
CD 90 3A call PrintBCDNumber.loop
Line 634:
12 ld (de), a
18 EF jr .continue
21 01 C4 ld hl, $C401 ; .screenLoop
4D ld c, l
CD E6 3A call PrintBCDNumber.loop - 1
Line 671:
12 ld (de), a
18 EF jr .continue
21 01 C4 ld hl, $C401 ; .screenLoop
4D ld c, l
CD DE 3A call PrintBCDNumber.loop
Line 708:
12 ld (de), a
18 EF jr .continue
21 01 C4 ld hl, $C401 ; .screenLoop
4D ld c, l
CD A2 3A call PrintBCDNumber.loop - 1


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