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Guides:TMless 0x1500 ACE (JP): Difference between revisions

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* Resetting the game clears the contents of the text buffer, which would cause an undesired early termination of the unterminated pokémon's name
* Resetting the game also resets a bunch of nearby values that are related to selected item IDs, quantities and amounts to be tossed.
* When the text printing function encounters a $15 value, it will attempt to execute a Mobile Adapter related function. The selected function depends on the next read value, but $00 is an invalid Mobile Adapter function and will instead call $CD64CD46. Once returned from this address, the game will continue executing ACE instead of printing ACEtext.
* By opening the start menu and moving one step up at a specified location, the game will load in a $C0 (ret nz) at $CD64, allowing immediate safe return from the effects of $1500. The game will resume executing from $D0CA onward.
* While reading Spearow's mail, its species ID ($15) is written to $D0C8 and its current party slot ($00 if it's in the first party slot) is written to $D0C9.
* Walking upwards will modify the value that is in $D0C9. By reading Spearow's mail while standing in front of the PC, we assure that a value of $00 is buffered at $D0C9.
* The last pokémon viewed (ブルブル) is buffered from $D0CE onward. Due to resetting the game, the region between $D0CA and $D0CE is mostly empty and allows safe passage.
* $Setting Tackle ($21) as ブルブル's first move allows safe passage over Screech ($67).


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