Talk:DecDex/Data (Ruby/Sapphire)

From Glitch City Wiki
Revision as of 12:43, 27 August 2019 by >Bwill11

This page is super compressed and borderline unreadable. I tried adding extra spaces to fix it so you can tell where one piece of information ends and another begins, and it did show up the way I wanted it to on the edit screen, but the page itself didn't visibly change. I don't know if this is a glitch or if visual edit ignores multiple spaces in a row. Regardless, I think maybe a template for Decamark information would help. Also, what does "Encounter Level:Normal" mean?

Bwill11 (talk)
I would just use a table to organize things. HTML itself doesn't really support multiple spaces in a row. Bbbbbbbbba (talk) 18:36, 23 August 2019 (-06)
Incidentally, I want to ask you a question: Why do you want to complete the GlitchDex? That is (roughly), what do you use the GlitchDex for? I think the answer to this question would give me some insight on how to reorganize the wiki. Bbbbbbbbba (talk) 13:51, 26 August 2019 (-06)

I've been completing the GlitchDex primarily out of boredom. I think it's interesting, and since my summer vacation is completely vacant, I decided that it would be a good way to fill that void. I picked the GlitchDex specifically because I currently have no access to debugging features (I don't have a working PC at the moment, just the school Chromebook that I'm typing this on, so since I can't run bgb, I have to go with mobile emulators), so I can't figure out things like specific effect pointers on glitch items. I've mostly done the GlitchDexES because I've been learning Spanish and like to play video games in Spanish over the summer so I don't forget everything I learned the previous year. (Obviously I don't end up using most of what I learned in class in the game, but just more exposure to the language helps, especially compared to the nothing I'd otherwise be doing) I've cleaned up and filled out some of the DecDex just because there's nothing else to do. --Bwill11 06:43, 27 August 2019 (-06)