
From Glitch City Wiki

The subject of this article is applicable in the following revisions.

Key: Y=Yes, N=No, NA?=This revision may be impossible to officially play on that platform.

Base Variation Compatible? (cart) Compatible? (GB Tower) Compatible? (Super Game Boy) Compatible? (GB Player) Compatible? (3DS Virtual Console) Notes
Red/Green v1.0 {{{RG1}}} {{{RG12}}} {{{RG13}}} {{{RG14}}} {{{RG15}}} {{{RG1N}}}
Red/Green v1.1 {{{RG2}}} {{{RG22}}} {{{RG23}}} {{{RG24}}} {{{RG25}}} {{{RG2N}}}
Blue Japanese {{{JB}}} {{{JB2}}} {{{JB3}}} {{{JB4}}} {{{JB5}}} {{{JBN}}}
Red/Blue English {{{WRB1}}} {{{WRB12}}} {{{WRB13}}} {{{WRB14}}} {{{WRB15}}} {{{WRB1N}}}
Red/Blue French {{{WRB2}}} {{{WRB22}}} {{{WRB23}}} {{{WRB24}}} {{{WRB25}}} {{{WRB2N}}}
Red/Blue German {{{WRB3}}} {{{WRB32}}} {{{WRB33}}} {{{WRB34}}} {{{WRB35}}} {{{WRB3N}}}
Red/Blue Italian {{{WRB4}}} {{{WRB42}}} {{{WRB43}}} {{{WRB44}}} {{{WRB45}}} {{{WRB4N}}}
Red/Blue Spanish {{{WRB5}}} {{{WRB52}}} {{{WRB53}}} {{{WRB54}}} {{{WRB55}}} {{{WRB5N}}}
Yellow Japan v1.0 {{{JY1}}} {{{JY12}}} {{{JY13}}} {{{JY14}}} {{{JY15}}} {{{JY1N}}}
Yellow Japan v1.1 {{{JY2}}} {{{JY22}}} {{{JY23}}} {{{JY24}}} {{{JY25}}} {{{JY2N}}}
Yellow Japan v1.2 {{{JY3}}} {{{JY32}}} {{{JY33}}} {{{JY34}}} {{{JY35}}} {{{JY3N}}}
Yellow Japan v1.3 {{{JY4}}} {{{JY42}}} {{{JY43}}} {{{JY44}}} {{{JY45}}} {{{JY4N}}}
Yellow English {{{WY1}}} {{{WY12}}} {{{WY13}}} {{{WY14}}} {{{WY15}}} {{{WY1N}}}
Yellow French {{{WY2}}} {{{WY22}}} {{{WY23}}} {{{WY24}}} {{{WY25}}} {{{WY2N}}}
Yellow German {{{WY3}}} {{{WY32}}} {{{WY33}}} {{{WY34}}} {{{WY35}}} {{{WY3N}}}
Yellow Italian {{{WY4}}} {{{WY42}}} {{{WY43}}} {{{WY44}}} {{{WY45}}} {{{WY4N}}}
Yellow Spanish {{{WY5}}} {{{WY52}}} {{{WY53}}} {{{WY54}}} {{{WY55}}} {{{WY5N}}}

Tools: Template:GenICheckCoreInit