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Loading the hex:44 text box on Route 21 (via the shelves of Pokémon goods in Cinnabar Poké Mart) executes arbitrary text code from D2C3 in WRAM (the fifth character of the second Pokémon's nickname). This can be manipulated to run arbitrary code; for example with [[Super Glitch]] and the [[expanded party]] one can convert items in the inventory into Pokémon nicknames and abuse this to obtain Mew as a gift Pokémon via the 08 text function (run ASM following the 08). This trick was documented by Torchickens.
==Glitch meta-script activation==
==Walking lag glitch==
{{main|WalkingGlitch lagmeta-script glitchactivation}}
TheGlitch walkingmeta-script lagactivation glitchoften causes walking lag, with possible random sound effects being played or freezes (depending on your coordinates) when you return to the route you escaped from a Trainer (after following the finite or infinite Special stat encounter glitch).
It may be caused by text box matching dialog for an undefeated Trainer and defeating them, or the following method:
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2. Change boxes and reset the game.
3. Return to the original route where the player flew away and defeat any Trainer.
Ultimately it can also be used as a setup for [[arbitrary code execution]].
==Trade NPC Pokémon and resulting Pokémon==