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This project known as the '''TypeDex''' is currently a listing of all the [[glitch type]]s in English {{RBY}}.
Some of the entries may have additional articles, with details such as which glitch Pokémon and which glitch moves have the types. These are shown in {{CBlue|blue}}.
All glitch types in Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow have no weaknesses but glitch moves with glitch types are always 1× effective against other Pokémon.
Line 45:
| 9 || 1B || 27
| [[TypeDex/RB:028|{{CBlue|9}}]] || 1C || 28
| 9 || 1D || 29
| [[TypeDex/RB:030|{{CBlue|9}}]] || 1E || 30
| 9 99 || 1F || 31
Line 55:
| 9 9 9 99 9 9 9 || 20 || 32
| [[TypeDex/RB:033|{{CBlue|9}}]] || 21 || 33
| JT RED? POKé BB (PKMN) dé 20 || 22 || 34
| [[TypeDex/RB:035|{{CBlue|9 99 9 9 ◣99}}]] || 23 || 35
| I9II9to || 24 || 36
Line 67:
| 9 9 9 99 9 99 || 26 || 38
| [[TypeDex/RB:039|{{CBlue|99 9 9 9II99to}}]] || 27 || 39
| [[TypeDex/RB:040|{{CBlue|9}}]] || 28 || 40
| POKé BB(PKMN)dé || 29 || 41
Line 75:
| 99 9 9 || 2A || 42
| [[TypeDex/RB:043|{{CBlue|9}}]] || 2B || 43
| 99 || 2C || 44
Line 83:
| 9:L?9D?96699 999'9 99Q99◢ 9 9 99 D9 9 99 || 2E || 46
| [[TypeDex/RB:047|{{CBlue|9}}]] || 2F || 47
| 9 999 999 9 9 99 999 9 9 99 696999 9 99 || 30 || 48
| [[TypeDex/RB:049|{{CBlue|9}}]] || 31 || 49
| [[TypeDex/RB:050|{{CBlue|9× 99Z 9 9}}]] || 32 || 50
| 99 A9 || 33 || 51
| [[TypeDex/RB:052|{{CBlue|96 99 99 99 9 999 9 9 9}}]] || 34 || 52
| 99 9II9Ito 9 || 35 || 53
Line 99:
| Qi JT RED? POKé BB(PKMN) dé W……N || 36 || 54
| [[TypeDex/RB:055|{{CBlue|A9}}]] || 37 || 55
| 6 99 || 38 || 56
| [[TypeDex/RB:057|{{CBlue|9 9}}]] || 39 || 57
| [[TypeDex/RB:058|{{CBlue|Qi JT RED? POKé BB(PKMN) dé W……N}}]] || 3A || 58
| [[TypeDex/RB:059|{{CBlue|9}}]] || 3B || 59
| [[TypeDex/RB:060|{{CBlue|i JT RED? POKé BB(PKMN) dé W……N}}]] || 3C || 60
| 9?'s9? 96 9 999'99 9Q♂9◢ 99 9 9 D9 999 9 || 3D || 61
Line 115:
| 9 9 || 3E || 62
| [[TypeDex/RB:063|{{CBlue|₽9₽}}]] || 3F || 63
| [[TypeDex/RB:064|{{CBlue|9}}]] || 40 || 64
| [[TypeDex/RB:065|{{CBlue|9}}]] || 41 || 65
| [[TypeDex/RB:066|{{CBlue|RED? POKé BB(PKMN) dé}}]] || 42 || 66
| 9 9 99 9 || 43 || 67
Line 135:
| 9 || 48 || 72
| [[TypeDex/RB:073|{{CBlue|9 9 99}}]] || 49 || 73
| 9 || 4A || 74
Line 145:
| POKé BB(PKMN)dé W……N || 4D || 77
| [[TypeDex/RB:078|{{CBlue|h RED}}]] || 4E || 78
| [[TypeDex/RB:079|{{CBlue|(blank)}}]] || 4F || 79
| [[TypeDex/RB:080|{{CBlue|(blank)}}]] || 50 || 80
| [[TypeDex/RB:081|{{CBlue|,KPkMn(PLAYER NAME) x X}}]] || 51 || 81
| (blank) || 52 || 82
| [[TypeDex/RB:083|{{CBlue|8 8 9 2}}]] || 53 || 83
| M j ゥZ ;tFROCKETY.『 POKé S ' R ▶ h ♀ f H j- b || 54 || 84
Line 213:
| JUGGLER || 6F || 111
| [[TypeDex/RB:112|{{CBlue|(blank)}}]] || 70 || 112
| (blank) || 71 || 113
Line 227:
| SCIENTIST || 76 || 118
| [[TypeDex/RB:119|{{CBlue|(blank)}}]] || 77 || 119
| ROCKET || 78 || 120
Line 235:
| [[TypeDex/RB:122|{{CBlue|COOLTRAINER♀}}]] || 7A || 122
| [[TypeDex/RB:123|{{CBlue|(blank)}}]] || 7B || 123
| (blank) || 7C || 124
Line 299:
| [[False types|{{CBlue|DRAGON}}]] || 9A || 154
| [[TypeDex/RB:157|{{CBlue|9}}]] || 9D || 157
| [[TypeDex/RB:165|{{CBlue|9 99}}]] || A5 || 165
| [[TypeDex/RB:169|{{CBlue|POKé BB(PKMN)dé}}]] || A9 || 169
| [[TypeDex/RB:177|{{CBlue|9}}]] || B1 || 177
| [[TypeDex/RB:192|{{CBlue|9}}]] || C0 || 192
| [[TypeDex/RB:200|{{CBlue|9}}]] || C8 || 200
| [[TypeDex/RB:232|{{CBlue|(blank)}}]] || E8 || 232