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36 (Sharply reducY) name changes slightly upon calling, out of the area
36 (Sharply reducY) name changes slightly upon calling, out of the area
37 (Albert)-Game froze on a white screen, no noise
37 (Albert)-Game froze on a white screen, no noise

54 (Owen)-Seems to always be out of the area?
54 (Owen)-Seems to always be out of the area?

58 (Reena)-RST 38 Crash
58 (Reena)-RST 38 Crash

5D (Jessica:Copies a move)-Player receives a HM06, game is reset to “game boy color” screen
5D (Jessica:Copies a move)-Player receives a HM06, game is reset to “game boy color” screen

62-Name seems to change slightly during the ringing, then game freezes on a white screen with a buzzing noise
62-Name seems to change slightly during the ringing, then game freezes on a white screen with a buzzing noise

63- Very long name, when attempting to display name, game forces you to press ‘A’ and then freezes
63- Very long name, when attempting to display name, game forces you to press ‘A’ and then freezes
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70 (Karen) When called, pokegear screen glitches (two boxes on either side?) and can’t seem to do anything after that, music continues playing
70 (Karen) When called, pokegear screen glitches (two boxes on either side?) and can’t seem to do anything after that, music continues playing


Revision as of 17:18, 29 November 2023

So... what is this list for exactly?

Recently while messing with glitch contacts in the Virtual console release of Crystal, I noticed that some of the effects differed from those from the archived 'phone dex'  so I decided to document the effects of both them being forced to call you, and by manually calling them

Wait Glitch Contacts? How did you manage that?

Through the Glitch City Discord I found TimoVM's setups, and using his mail writer and later his RAM writer, not only are the setups he provides relatively quick but he also lists some of the cool stuff you can do with it can be found on his user page ( Timo has been a huge help and I can't thank him enough!

Very obvious disclaimer before I start the actual list.

I am by no means an expert, I do not know why these effects happen exactly, I just find it interesting and wanted to document them to the best of my ability, if you want to learn more the Glitch City community discord not only has people a lot smarter then me, but they are always willing to help even if you think the issue you're having is too small!

Glitch Contacts (Forced to call)

0A ( ---------)

28-Used the text from when the bike shop dude says you can keep the bike

2A (Karen)


30 (Rocket)-Crash on white screen w/ monotonous screeching

31-Game crash on white screen, single noise playing continuously

32-Game freeze on blank caller ID textbox (game still displays properly just everything is frozen), single noise playing, bottom screen doesn’t work

33-Acted very similar to number 32, with the blank textbox and graphics still being normal, but music continued as normal

34 (juggler)-White screen, “only for use on gameboy color” screen

37 (Albert)-Crashed on white screen w/ monotonous screeching

39 (9 99999)-Seems to be out of area?

3F-Game crashed on white screen w/ monotonous screeching noise

40 (Zach)-Brought up RAM writer

41 (Grunt: Beauty) -Game freezes on white screen, monotone noise

45-Out of the area

47 (Leader Billy)- Brought up RAM writer and constantly scrolled it for a while

48 (Connie)-Same as 47

4A (Grunt)- “no windows avail-able for popping” message, unable to close out, softlock

4B-Can’t seem to get to call?

4D-Brought up RAM Writer

51 (Bridget)-Out of area?

54 (owen)-Started battle with ?????, attempting to run brought up party menu, which then crashed when i selected a pokemon

5D-Started battle with a wild ?????, attempting to run would cause a popup with Rattata’s sprite to pop up and then for the screen to fill with glitch text

61: Crash and reset to ‘only for use ony gameboy color’ message

62:Game crashes on white screen with single noise playing (bottom screen doesn’t work)

65 (Alan: Leader)-Out of the area

66 (Vance: Elite four)- White screen, monotone noise (forum said it acted the same as 65?”

6C-Textbox with players name pops up 3 times, then the jingle for getting an item plays before the call hangs up and the game seems to return to normal

71 (Aaron)-Game freezes on blank textbox after ‘ringing’ twice, game loops one sound, bottom screen doesn’t work

72-Same as 71


74 (Grunt)-Colors appear to get corrupted, then RAM writer pops up, but can’t seem to move in the RAM writer



77-Music just becomes a single note, RAM writer pops up, game still runs but can’t do anything but move around the ram writer 78 79 80-after the initial calling message, game freezes on a blank textbox with music continuously making one sound, bottom screen doesn’t work 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88-causes RAM writer to pop up, but game crashes on a white screen with one sound before it can be interacted with 89 90-Can’t seem to get to call?

91-Game Reset, “use on the game boy color” screen

92 (Whitney)-Game crash on white screen, single noise being played

93 (DANA) 94 (JASMINE) 95 (Neal)

96 (Linda)-Mild graphical corruption when their name is flashing, after the call is answered game resets to “game boy color” screen

97-Blank textbox appeared, game played unknown jingle and then the background changed to the ‘shrinking’ animation played at the beginning of the game before crashing 98 99 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5-seems to be a softlock on an empty textbox, music still plays fine?

A6-Won’t call?

B3-crash, bottom screen doesn't work F7-initial name rings once, then name changes and game requires an a press to advance, at which point a glitch textbox appears at the bottom of the screen, name changes again, but after repeated ‘a’ presses game returns to normal (with graphics corrupted) and collision also effected to the point where you can walk out of bounds F8-Won’t call F9-won't call FA-Won’t call FB-RAM writer FC-RAM writer pops up FD-won’t call FE-won’t call FF-Won’t call

Glitch Contacts (Calling manually)

26 (Jabs the foe Y) 27 (Jabs the foe Y)-number is Out of the area 28 (A powerful waY)-number is out of the area 29 (An attack thaY)- Rings twice, freezes on white screen with a single noise 30 (Rocket)-Game freezes on white screen with buzzing after ‘ringing’ 31-Tiffany 32 (Always inflicY)-out of the area 33 (Always inflicY)- Out of the area 34-(Juggler)-Out of the area 35 (Sharply reduc)-Item obtained music, freeze on white screen, no sound 36 (Sharply reducY) name changes slightly upon calling, out of the area 37 (Albert)-Game froze on a white screen, no noise 54 (Owen)-Seems to always be out of the area? 58 (Reena)-RST 38 Crash 5D (Jessica:Copies a move)-Player receives a HM06, game is reset to “game boy color” screen 62-Name seems to change slightly during the ringing, then game freezes on a white screen with a buzzing noise 63- Very long name, when attempting to display name, game forces you to press ‘A’ and then freezes 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 (Karen) When called, pokegear screen glitches (two boxes on either side?) and can’t seem to do anything after that, music continues playing 71 72 73-(Albert) 74-(Grunt) 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B-Graphical corruption for a second, before freezing on a white screen with a buzzing noise 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F