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CD 3F 38
Setting up the RAM writer without SRAM glitch=
==Step 1: start a new game with player name "がんョぜレ"==
Contains a small "ョ", rival's name doesn't matter.
==Step 2: Head to Pewter City==
Mkae sure to '''not fight the second bug catcher from the entrance of Viridian Forest'''.
==Step 3: Stop by the Pewter City pokémon center and mart==
Make sure to heal at the Pewter City pokémon center so that you can later use an Escape Rope to warp towards it.
In the mart, buy at least 19 poké balls ("モンスターボール") and one escape rope ("あなぬけのひも").
==Step 4: Catch 19 pokémon, give them nicknames, then manually deposit them into box 1==
The pokémon that you catch for this do not matter, make sure to lower their HP to 1/3rd of their maximum to increase catching odds. '''You need at least 19 poké balls to catch them and do not have access to a lot of money''', so make sure you do not waste any of them.
Nicknames should be according to the following table in order:
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Caption text
| ヅクまプレ
| ひでぼラデ
| がふぜのョ || small ョ
| ひすづギぺ
| ひだレレレ
| ゾなレレレ || Replace with ゾよひけレ if playing on V1.0
| ひぢなの
| Any
| Any
| Any
| がやぜふレ
| ぼんづぼギ
| づぼてづョ
| がめぜヨべ
| づよヒづづ
| ョぶづがん || small ョ
| ぜイの
| Any
| ゲてメん
If you're unsure fi you're on V1.0 or on a later revision, you might want to prepare both "ゾなレレレ" and "ゾよひけレ" nicknamed pokémon.
After finishing this step, '''Ensure that you are holding 5 party pokémon or less.'''
==Step 5: use the Escape Row to set up Trainer Fly on the 2nd bug catcher of Viridian Forest==
With the bug catcher offscreen, step towards the bug catcher so that they would be able to see you and start a battle. During the step, hold the START button to bring up the start menu, from which you can use the Escape Rope.
==Step 6: Set up ACE==
After using the Escape Rope, you should have warped to the Pewter City pokémon center. From there, do the following:
* Open the PC and change the current active box from box 1 to box 1. This should cause the game to save, upon which you can reset the game. This will reenable the use of the START button.
* Go to the NPC to the east of Pewter that guides you to the Pewter City Gym. Let him guide you towards the gym to clear away the expected trainer movement.
* Go to a house in the southwest of Pewter City and check the town map on the wall. From now on until you go to Viridian Forest, '''you must not open the start menu.'''
==Step 7: Go to Viridian Forest and check if ACE was successful==
After arriving in Viridian Forest, the start menu will automatically open. Open the item bag. If ACE was successfully performed, it should now contain a "はやぶさバッヂ". Use it.
If everything went well, you should now get a message if you would like to nickname a Rattata.
If it didn't work, double check all nicknames and make sure you are holding 5 party pokémon or less. If it fails due to what might be a version difference, make sure to change the nicknames to fit the other version.
==Nickname Rattata's and deposit them to box 2==
The current nickname code will allow you to obtain an infinite amount of Rattata's. We will now proceed to obtain and nickname a bunch of Rattata's and deposit them to box 2.
Before we begin, a few notes:
* '''The ACE code will only work if Box 1 is the active box.'''
* Obtain Rattata's, nickname them, deposit them to box 2, then change the box so that box 1 is the active box again.
* Preferably, you'd be doing this starting with a party of just one pokémon, so you can deposit 5 Rattata's at a time. You can either release your other party pokémon or temporarily store them in box 3.
{| class="wikitable"
| よヂづにぽ
| づにゲレレ || Replace with ゾよひけレ if playing on V1.0
| づョがわレ || small ョ
| ぜゃダだグ || small ゃ
| ぼヂてツん
| ダだグぼダ
| ぞてツんダ
| だガムキづ
| ごぱへぬん
| ぴへぬんボ
| ぷへぬんへ
| うううヅー
| ひ空はうん || 空 represents an empty space
| どダれナん
| ダめせんざ
| ダれゃわダ
| りだあなレ
| ひだへむん
| ちぼダメに
| にルだガに
| にヂ空ギて || 空 represents an empty space
| ボデの
| Any
| Any
| Any
| Any
| Any
| Any
| Any
| Any
Ensure that box 2 is completely filled with 30 pokémon.
==Step 9: Start up the compact RAM writer==
With box 2 selected as the active box, use the "はやぶさバッヂ" to start a compact RAM writer. We'll be using these to build the full RAM writer.
A: Address +1h
B: Address -1h
DOWN: Value +1h
UP: Value -1h
RIGHT: Value +10h
LEFT: Value -10h
SELECT: Start execution from $DCE0 onward
'''Do not use SELECT until you've finished writing the full RAM writer.'''
==Step 10: using the compact RAM writer
Using the compact RAM writer, write the following values at the following addresses:
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Caption text
! Address !! Value !! Opcode
| WRA1:DCE0 || 21 00 D0 || ld hl,D000
| WRA1:DCE3 || CD 16 DD || call DD16
| WRA1:DCE6 || E5 || push hl
| WRA1:DCE7 || 11 F8 FF || ld de,FFF8
| WRA1:DCEA || 19 || add hl,de
| WRA1:DCEB || 54 || ld d,h
| WRA1:DCEC || 5D || ld e,l
| WRA1:DCED || 21 AB C3 || ld hl,C3AB
| WRA1:DCF0 || 36 7C || ld (hl),7C
| WRA1:DCF2 || 23 || inc hl
| WRA1:DCF3 || 7A || ld a,d
| WRA1:DCF4 || CD 56 DD || call DD56
| WRA1:DCF7 || 7B || ld a,e
| WRA1:DCF8 || CD 56 DD || call DD56
| WRA1:DCFB || 36 7F || ld (hl),7F
| WRA1:DCFD || 23 || inc hl
| WRA1:DCFE || 1A || ld a,(de)
| WRA1:DCFF || CD 56 DD || call DD56
| WRA1:DD02 || 36 7C || ld (hl),7C
| WRA1:DD04 || 01 0C 00 || ld bc,000C
| WRA1:DD07 || 09 || add hl,bc
| WRA1:DD08 || 13 || inc de
| WRA1:DD09 || 7D || ld a,l
| WRA1:DD0A || FE 13 || cp a,13
| WRA1:DD0C || 20 E2 || jr nz,DCF0
| WRA1:DD0E || 3E ED || ld a,ED
| WRA1:DD10 || EA 4B C4 || ld (C44B),a
| WRA1:DD13 || E1 || pop hl
| WRA1:DD14 || 18 CD || jr DCE3
| WRA1:DD16 || CD 40 38 || call 3840
| WRA1:DD19 || F0 B3 || ld a,(ff00+B3)
| WRA1:DD1B || 07 || rlca
| WRA1:DD1C || 30 04 || jr nc,DD22
| WRA1:DD1E || 3E 01 || ld a,01
| WRA1:DD20 || 18 1C || jr DD3E
| WRA1:DD22 || 07 || rlca
| WRA1:DD23 || 30 03 || jr nc,DD28
| WRA1:DD25 || 9F || sbc a
| WRA1:DD26 || 18 16 || jr DD3E
| WRA1:DD28 || 07 || rlca
| WRA1:DD29 || 30 04 || jr nc,DD2F
| WRA1:DD2B || 3E F0 || ld a,F0
| WRA1:DD2D || 18 0F || jr DD3E
| WRA1:DD2F || 07 || rlca
| WRA1:DD30 || 30 04 || jr nc,DD36
| WRA1:DD32 || 3E 10 || ld a,10
| WRA1:DD34 || 18 08 || jr DD3E
| WRA1:DD36 || 07 || rlca
| WRA1:DD37 || 30 02 || jr nc,DD3B
| WRA1:DD39 || E1 || pop hl
| WRA1:DD3A || C9 || ret
| WRA1:DD3B || 07 || rlca
| WRA1:DD3C || D0 || ret nc
| WRA1:DD3D || E9 || jp hl
| WRA1:DD3E || CB 43 || bit 0,e
| WRA1:DD40 || 28 03 || jr z,DD45
| WRA1:DD42 || 86 || add (hl)
| WRA1:DD43 || 77 || ld (hl),a
| WRA1:DD44 || C9 || ret
| WRA1:DD45 || CB 4B || bit 1,e
| WRA1:DD47 || 28 03 || jr z,DD4C
| WRA1:DD49 || 84 || add h
| WRA1:DD4A || 67 || ld h,a
| WRA1:DD4B || C9 || ret
| WRA1:DD4C || 06 00 || ld b,00
| WRA1:DD4E ||CB 7F || bit 7,a
| WRA1:DD50 || 28 01 || jr z,DD53
| WRA1:DD52 || 05 || dec b
| WRA1:DD53 || 4F || ld c,a
| WRA1:DD54 || 09 || add hl,bc
| WRA1:DD55 || C9 || ret
| WRA1:DD56 || 47 || ld b,a
| WRA1:DD57 || CB 37 || swap a
| WRA1:DD59 || CD 5D DD || call DD5D
| WRA1:DD5C || 78 || ld a,b
| WRA1:DD5D || E6 0F || and a,0F
| WRA1:DD5F || C6 F6 || add a,F6
| WRA1:DD61 || 30 02 || jr nc,DD65
| WRA1:DD63 || C6 60 || add a,60
| WRA1:DD65 || 22 || ldi (hl),a
| WRA1:DD66 || C9 || ret
'''Note: for V1.0, change the value of $DD17 to $3F instead of $40.'''
After rewriting these values, it might be a good idea to exit the program and save the game. Afterwards, start up the compact RAM writer and press SELECT to start the full RAM writer.