User:TimoVM/JP Pikachu ACE Translation: Difference between revisions

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This page is based on a translation/analysis of an ACE setup used in the Japanese version of Pokémon Yellow. The original article was written by flag3833753 and can be found [[| here]].
Please note that you will be required to clear your saved data in order to follow this guide.
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in an [[| earlier article]], a method to set up a RAM writer in the Japanese versions of Red/Green was explained. In this article we will install a ported version of that memory writer in the Japanese version of Yellow.
The original article made use of SRAM glitch in order to set up the RAM writer. A [[| later revision]] demonstrated a method to install the RAM writer without SRAM glitch. because of this, we'll split the article in multiple sections.
=Setting up the RAM writer using SRAM glitch=
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# Use this RAM writer to build the full, completed RAM writer.
Please note that the instructions included here are intended for JP Yellow V1.1 through V1.3. Make sure to look at the end of the article for how to install the RAM writer on V1.0
First, you will need to clear the save. hold SELECT + B + UP on the title screen to delete the current save.
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|WRA1:DA5E || C9 || ret
After entering everything, it is advisable to save the game.
Next, change the game's settings as follows:
{| class="wikitable"
| Text speed: Normal || はなしのはやさ:ふつう
| Battle animations: On || せんとうアニメ:じっくりみる
| Battle style: Set || しあいのルール:かちぬきタイプ
| Sound: Head phone 2 || サウンド:イヤホン2
This will change the item in slot #26 to a "かいがらバッヂ". You can now start the full RAM writer by using the "かいがらバッヂ". When done, it looks like this:
==Using the full RA? writer==
Controls are as follows:
DOWN: address +1
UP: address -1
RIGHT: address +10
LEFT: address -10
B+DOWN: address +100
B+UP: address -100
B+RIGHT: address +1000
B+LEFT: address -1000
A+DOWN: value +1
A+UP: value -1
A+RIGHT: value +10
A+LEFT: value -10
SELECT: execute code starting from the current selected address (USE ONLY IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING)
START: exit
You'll notice that this RAM writer is much more convenient to use compared to the compact RAM writer.
Be VERY careful when using SELECT. Using it without meaning to will likely crash the game.
Keep in mind that the memory editor occupies the range between $D9B4 and $DA5E. Do not edit the values within this range, otherwise you risk destroying the full RAM writer and crashing the game.
==Repairing the effects of SRAM glitch==
Due to the way we were messing with SRAM glitch, we've glitched normal game progression. Now that we have a fully functional RAM writer, we can fix these effects and continue the game from Pallet Town through the following edits:
* Set $D123 to $00: this will set the number of party pokémon to 0.
* Set $D2A1 to $01 and $D2A2 to $63: this will adjust your bag such that it only contains a "かいがらバッヂ". Please note that, when you exit the RAM writer, the cursor will still be at the 26th item slot. Just keep pressing UP until the cursor reaches the 1st item slot.
* Set values at the range $D287 to $D28D to $00: this will set the number of caught pokémon to 0. This is necessary in order to receive the pokédex from Prof. Oak.
* Set $D331 and $D335 to $00: this will cause you to return to Pallet Town when exiting Eevee's room.
Now, just exit to Pallet Town, you can now continue the game as you normally would.
==Adjustments for V1.0==
Due to version differences, there are a few slight adjustments that need to be made in order to install the RAM writer on V1.0. The process is mostly the same, the differences will be mentioned here.
*Steps 2, 3, 5, 6 and 8 are exactly the same
*Step 3: player name needs to be "ギるゾい", rival name can be anything as long as the 5th letter is "オ". e.g. "オオオオオ".
*Step 4: the only thing you need to do is to swap the item in slot #25 with the item in slot #34 of your bag. Since you're only swapping, you can simply do this from the item bag instead of the PC. Please note that the item in slot #25 has a buggy name instead of "ぬのヅ".
*Step 5: the nicknames are slightly different.
{| class="wikitable"
| Nickname 23 || がんぜクョ || small ョ
| Nickname 22 || ぶづぜンづ
| Nickname 21 || よヅぜウづ
| Nickname 20 || にぽづにグ || different compared to other version.
| Nickname 19 || づなゅへへ || small ゅ, different compared to other version.
| Nickname 18 || ううグ空だ || 空 represents a blank space
| Nickname 17 || どグだギョ || small ョ
| Nickname 16 || べへにんグ
| Nickname 15 || だゲぼダぞ
| Nickname 14 || 空へにんグ || 空 represents a blank space
| Nickname 13 || わとんヅー
| Nickname 12 || グリググだ
| Nickname 11 || ざグわねん
| Nickname 10 || ぱへふんぴ
| Nickname 9 || へふんボぷ
| Nickname 8 || へふんだし
| Nickname 7 || ぼヂキづご
| Nickname 6 || ョのなひだ || small ョ
| Nickname 5 || へよんち空 || 空 represents a blank space
| Nickname 4 || ぼダメにぽ
| Nickname 3 || にュだガに || small ュ
| Nickname 2 || にヂ空ギて || 空 represents a blank space
| Nickname 1 || ボデの
*Step 9: The full RAM writer uses the same code, except the addresses from $DA0D through $DA0F should be changed to
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