Boulderbadge badge check skip

From Glitch City Wiki

This glitch allows the player to go to the Pokémon League without having the Boulderbadge.


  • Must have skipped the first gym and NOT gotten the Boulderbadge.


This is the Pokemon League Front Gate.
  1. Do the Walk Through Walls glitch.
  2. Walk to the door of the Pokémon League Front Gate. Note: You need to be able to walk through walls at this point.
  3. Go into the building and go to the edge of the left wall. Note: Don't go into the wall, this will crash your game.
  4. Go into the top left corner.
  5. Go right until your in front of the door, then go through the door.
  6. Continue on normally through the Pokémon League. The player will need all the other badges to continue through.

Video Demonstration

Zach the Glitch Buster Youtube Video