
From Glitch City Wiki
Revision as of 15:27, 10 December 2017 by >Torchickens

(↑ Back to the ItemDex index.)

Name (transcribed): # ₽ ₽ぅ#######

Identifier (HEX): 7D
Identifier (DEC): 125
Effect pointer: 210F
Unterminated name glitch item?: Yes
Tossable/Sellable?: Yes
Buy Price: 912083 (8###83)
Sell Price: 456041
Name bytes: {{{9}}}

(hex:7D) is a glitch item in Pokémon Red and Blue. It is an unterminated name glitch item, hence is applicable for Yami Shop glitch.

Using this glitch item outside of battle with a 0x50 sub-tile early enough on the screen may cause the game to freeze.

Using this glitch item in battle may cause the TMTRAINER effect. However, if a 0x50 sub-tile is forced early enough on the screen with the GameShark code 0150A0C3 (or theoretically OAM DMA hijacking), it may cause the game to freeze instead.