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This article is incomplete. Please feel free to add any missing information about the subject.
Reason: Some scripts function differently depending on where the player is

This is the NPCMovementScriptDex about glitch CC57 scripts. CC57 (both Red/Blue and Yellow) is wNPCMovementScriptPointerTableNum. This article lists various glitch effects by index number.

Many of the "freezes" seem to be the common bar freeze or "rst $38" freeze.

CC57 scripts will typically disable talking to NPCs or entering battle.

In Red/Blue

Pallet Town

As tested just outside of Red's house in Pallet Town.

00: No effect. If locked when the guidance is supposed to happen the guide music will play but Professor Oak won't move (nor can the player).
01: The valid behavior is responsible for Professor Oak guiding the player to his laboratory. Otherwise Fly away and freeze
02: If locked on Professor Oak guidance the guide music will play but Professor Oak won't move. Otherwise ACE (C43A)
03: If locked on Professor Oak guidance the guide music will play but Professor Oak won't move. Otherwise freeze
04: Execute VRAM
05: Freeze
06: ACE (A000)
07: ACE (B8F0)
08: Execute VRAM
09: Freeze
0A: Taking one step may load a freezing Glitch City/Super Glitch City
0B: Freeze
0C: Freeze
0D: #5 ERROR forever
0E: Freeze
0F: Freeze
10: Cause copies of existing tiles of the screen as artefacts when walking right
11: Freeze
12: Freeze
13: Freeze
14: Walking around may cause freezes with influence on where you are
15: ACE (CC55)
16: Like 10
17: Like 10, 16
18: Freeze
19: Freeze
1A: Freeze
1B: Like 10, 16, 17
1C: Freeze
1D: Freeze
1E: Freeze
1F: Freeze
20: Freeze
21: Reset the game
22: Freeze
23: Freeze
24: Freeze
25: Freeze
26: ACE (CD70)
27: Freeze
28: Freeze
29: Freeze
2A: Disable A text boxes (including even PCs)
2B: Execute VRAM
2C: Like 2A. Sprite artefacts may occur
2D: Disable all joypad input
2E: Execute VRAM
2F: ACE (AF0E)
30: Freeze
31: Like 21
32: Freeze
33: ACE (EAD1)
34: Invalid opcode freeze (0xE3 at D:5177)/Freeze? (VC)
35: Freeze
36: ACE (E678)
37: Freeze
38: ACE (CD0F)
39: Freeze
3A: Like 2A, 2C
3B: Freeze
3C: ACE (D1B1) [*1]
3D: Freeze
3E: ACE (C3AF)
3F: Like/see 34
40: Like 2A, 2C, 3A
41: Freeze
42: ACE (D56F) [*2]
43: Freeze due to invalid opcode 0xD3 at 1600/seemingly nothing happens if ignored
44: Freeze
45: May either freeze or 'soft reset' the game after restarting taking a step can take you to a [[Glitch City]] and freeze the game
46: Unknown/seemingly nothing happens
47: Freeze
48: Freeze/A7 3D corruption pattern
49: Freeze
4A: ACE (EAD1)
4B: Freeze
4C: ACE (F5D5)
4D: Speeds up music slightly
4E: ACE (C126)
4F: View the first party Pokémon summary (glitched). This works if the party menu is unusable/you have no Pokémon too.
50: Walking lag glitch
51: ACE (CC24)
52: ACE (C100)
53: ACE (C421)
54: Freeze
55: ACE (F5D5)
56: Unknown/seemingly nothing happens
57: ACE (CFCD)
58: ACE (C8C8)
59: ACE (F5D5)
5A: Freeze
5C: ACE (C8C8)
5D: ACE (F5D5)
5E: ACE (DA11)
5F: Freeze
60: ACE (F5D5)
61: ACE (C8C8)
62: ACE (C8C8)
63: ACE (CC55)
64: Unknown/seemingly nothing happens
65: Freeze
66: Freeze
67: Keep walking up on the spot, Fly away, cause ACE (C106). If ret, freeze.
68: Freeze
69: Warp to Route 10, lock up controls while playing glitch sounds. After a long time, ACE (DA20). If ret, blank out the screen and ACE (D7D1). There may be a way to have this not freeze the game, but it's unknown at this time.
6A: Unknown/seemingly nothing happens
6B: ACE (EF18)
6C: ACE (C459)
6D: Freeze
6F: ACE (C981)
70: Freeze
71: Freeze
72: Freeze (3D A7 corruption pattern)
73: ACE (EA2A)
74: Unknown/seemingly nothing happens
75: Freeze
76: Freeze
77: Freeze
78: Freeze
79: Unknown/seemingly nothing happens
7A: Freeze (3D A7 corruption pattern)
7B: ACE (C6DA)
7C: Force open the Start menu or sometimes get a ##3 Error
7D: Freeze
7E: Unknown/seemingly nothing happens
7F: Freeze
80: Unknown/seemingly nothing happens
81-FF (seem to be same as 01-7F)
DD: ACE (F5D5) [*n]

*1: Party Pokémon 2 Special stat experience mod 256 
*2: PC item 27
*n: In Echo RAM copy of wMissableObjectList byte 8 (can be adjusted another means for permanence)

PalletMovementScriptPointerTable is at 06:6442

Pewter City

As tested just in front of the Pokémon Center.

00: Valid (player not being guided)/does nothing
01: If the player locks it during guidance it will cause the guide to walk off to the left. Otherwise, lock up controls for a while, then Fly away to Red's house 2F, then ACE (CD3F) if ret unknown opcode 0xD3 at 2:4E40 followed by a corrupted stop (10 07). If skipped over game may still freeze.
02: Valid (Pewter Museum guide script) but otherwise may result in ACE (C43A)
03: Valid (Pewter Gym guide script) but may freeze the game otherwise
04: Freeze
05: Freeze

PewterMuseumGuyMovementScriptPointerTable is at 06:6510

PewterGymGuyMovementScriptPointerTable is at 06:657D

In Pokémon Yellow

Pallet Town

As tested just outside of Red's house in Pallet Town.

00: No effect
01: Unknown/seemingly nothing happens
02: Freeze
03: ACE (D0B2)
04: VRAM execution (froze at unknown opcode at 8CFA)
05: Seems to corrupt the map blocks to some not normally available blocks when the menu is open. The first two sub-tiles on the top-left block are sourced from B:4602 and B:4603 for block 00 (continues up to B:55F2 for block FF) (might be in between B:45BD DittoPicBack and 0B:4609 MeowthPicFront), because these are written to C50A onward (near C508 wAnimatedObjectsData), which is then written to C3A0 (top-left sub-tile), similarly [B:4603(+)([D35E]*10] is written to C50B, which is then written to C3A1 (second sub-tile from the top-left) and so on. It is exploitable for a practical use, but redundant for just using a regular Mew LG. Block 0x4B has a 0x15 sub-tile (Mew) in alignment for LOL glitch. Block 0x39 also contains a 0x50 sub-tile.
06: Unknown/seemingly nothing happens
07: Freeze
08: VRAM execution (froze at unknown opcode at 8CFA)
09: ACE (FA47)
0A: Freeze
0B: Freeze
0C: Unknown/seemingly nothing happens
0D: Freeze (00 90 3E 80 corruption pattern)
0E: Freeze
0F: Locks up controls, hides NPC sprites, corrupts audio for a while, then freezes
10: Seems to corrupt the map blocks similar to 05
11: Freeze
12: Locks player, invisible text box with Start menu open, pressing A or B freezes the game, other buttons seemingly do nothing
13: Play raw audio (similar to Pikachu cry) then ACE (D7E1). If ret, still a freeze
14: Unknown/seemingly nothing happens
15: ACE (FA86) [*1]
16: Seems to corrupt map blocks like 05, 10
17: Seems to corrupt map blocks like 05, 10, 16
18: Freeze (00 90 3E 80 corruption pattern)
19: Freeze
1A: Freeze
1B: Seems to corrupt map blocks like 05, 10, 16, 17
1C: Freeze
1D: Freeze
1E: Freeze
1F: Freeze
20: Freeze
21: ACE (CD1C)
22: ACE (CD3E)
23: Freeze
24: Walking lag glitch
25: Freeze
26: ACE (F606)
27: ACE (CD3E)
28: Freeze
29: Walking lag glitch
2A: Freeze
2B: Unknown/seemingly nothing happens
2C: ACE (D731)
2D: ACE (F606)
2E: ACE (CD78)
2F: Unknown/seemingly nothing happens
30: Freeze
31: ACE (CC3D)
32: ACE (CF1A)
33: Freeze
34: ACE (E5C4)
35: Freeze
36: Unknown opcode 0xE4 at 33CD. If skipped seemingly nothing happens.
37: Freeze
38: ACE (FA22)
39: Freeze
3A: ACE (C0F0)
3B: Freeze
3D: Freeze
3E: Lock up controls for a while, then display the message that the Safari Zone game is over. May proceed to run ACE (CD15). If ret, player steps down spinning and warps but loops down the screen seemingly infinitely
3F: Freeze
40: Freeze
41: ACE (F002)
42: ACE (EA7C)
43: See 3E
44: ACE (CDD0)
45: Unknown opcode 0xD3 at 284C. If skipped over (i.e. like on Virtual Console) may display invisible text box and Start menu, and freeze game if press A or B.
46: Freeze
47: Lock moving, invisible text box and Start menu, freeze game if press A or B.
48: Walking lag glitch
49: ACE (EA0C)
4A: Unknown/seemingly nothing happens
4B: Freeze
4C: ACE (F5D5)
4D: Freeze (3E D2 corruption pattern)
4E: Freeze
4F: Freeze
50: Freeze
51: Freeze
52: Invisible text box and Start menu, if press A or B, heavily corrupt screen and freeze game.
53: ACE (C8A7)
54: Freeze
55: ACE (F5D5)
56: Unknown/seemingly nothing happens
57: In Red's house 1F flower tiles appear on the benches. They don't animate.
58: Freeze
59: ACE (F5D5)
5A: Freeze
5B: See 57
5C: Freeze
5D: ACE (F5D5)
5E: ACE (C93E)
5F: Freeze
60: ACE (F5D5)
61: Freeze
62: Freeze
63: ACE (FA86)
64: Seems to corrupt map blocks like 05, 10, 16, 17, 1B
65: This behavior is a little like 3E but more events happen; after short while player warps to Saffron City, then Sea Route 19, then a Route 2 gate (0x2F), then the player does a warping animation and rises up the screen looping around seemingly infinitely (similar to the moving down seemingly infinitely in 3E) 
66: Freeze
67: Lock up controls with invisible menu and Start menu (lock up but strictly not a freeze?)
68: Freeze (00 27 39 90 3E 80 corruption pattern)
69: Walk down on the spot and constantly corrupt the screen. When done from outside of Red's house 1F may enter it (negating the Red moves down the screen and loops effect later). Eventually get Safari Zone game over message, where the effect repeats, but strange warps happen. Game eventually freezes or loop down screen effect returns. Very fun but not sure if can be manipulated to avoid a freeze.
6A: Freeze
6B: See 67
6C: Freeze
6D: Freeze
6F: ACE (C322)
70: Freeze
71: Bring up invisible text box with Start menu open and lock moving. If press A, get invisible Yes/No prompt. All options (Yes, No, B press) may result in a freeze. Can reload the save file and seemingly nothing happens (if not corrupted)
72: Walking lag glitch and eventual freeze
73: Brings up invisible text box with Start menu open. Pressing A/B  results in unknown opcode 0xE3 at A:78DC. If skipped over, freeze.
74: Seems to corrupt map blocks like 05, 10, 16, 17, 1B, 64
75: Freeze
76: ACE (D35D)
77: Partially soft reset game but the CC57 script is retained, resulting in a soft reset loop until the player waits on the title screen for that soft reset.
78: VRAM execution (froze at invalid opcode at 8498)
79: Invalid opcode 0xD3 at 0:48E0. If skipped over seemingly nothing happens.
7A: Walking lag glitch and eventual freeze
7B: Invalid opcode 0xD3 at 0600. If skipped over, ACE (D1D1) but freeze.
7C: ACE (D211)
7D: Freeze
7E: Freeze
7F: Freeze
80: ACE (D0B4)
81-FF: Same as 01-FF?
*1: In stored Pokémon data (Pokémon 6)

PalletMovementScriptPointerTable is at 06:654C

Pewter City

00: Disable guided movement/No effect
01: Causes guide to walk off to the left/Seemingly nothing happens
02: Pewter Museum guide/Game freeze
03: Pewter Gym guide/Game freeze
04: VRAM execution, encountered an invalid opcode at 8CFA

PewterMuseumGuyMovementScriptPointerTable is at 06:6622

PewterGymGuyMovementScriptPointerTable is at 06:6685