NPCMovementScriptDex: Difference between revisions

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41: Freeze
41: Freeze
42: ACE (D56F) [*2]
42: ACE (D56F) [*2]
43: Freeze due to invalid opcode 0xD3 at 1600/seemingly nothing happens if ignored
44: Freeze
45: May either freeze or 'soft reset' the game after restarting taking a step can take you to a [[Glitch City]] and freeze the game
46: Unknown/seemingly nothing happens
47: Freeze
48: Freeze/A7 3D corruption pattern
49: Freeze
4A: ACE (EAD1)
4B: Freeze
4C: ACE (F5D5)
4D: Speeds up music slightly
4E: ACE (C126)
4F: View the first party Pokémon summary (glitched). This works if the party menu is unusable/you have no Pokémon too.
50: Walking lag glitch
51: ACE (CC24)
52: ACE (C100)
53: ACE (C421)
54: Freeze
55: ACE (F5D5)
56: Unknown/seemingly nothing happens
57: ACE (CFCD)
58: ACE (C8C8)
59: ACE (F5D5)
5A: Freeze
5C: ACE (C8C8)
5D: ACE (F5D5)
5E: ACE (DA11)
5F: Freeze
60: ACE (F5D5)
61: ACE (C8C8)
62: ACE (C8C8)
63: ACE (CC55)
64: Unknown/seemingly nothing happens
65: Freeze
66: Freeze
67: Keep walking up on the spot, Fly away, cause ACE (C106). If ret, freeze.
68: Freeze
69: Warp to Route 10, lock up controls while playing glitch sounds. After a long time, ACE (DA20). If ret, blank out the screen and ACE (D7D1). There may be a way to have this not freeze the game, but it's unknown at this time.
6A: Unknown/seemingly nothing happens
6B: ACE (EF18)
6C: ACE (C459)
6D: Freeze
6F: ACE (C981)
70: Freeze
71: Freeze
72: Freeze (3D A7 corruption pattern)
73: ACE (EA2A)
74: Unknown/seemingly nothing happens
75: Freeze
76: Freeze
77: Freeze
78: Freeze
79: Unknown/seemingly nothing happens
7A: Freeze (3D A7 corruption pattern)
7B: ACE (C6DA)
7C: Force open the Start menu or sometimes get a ##3 Error
7D: Freeze
7E: Unknown/seemingly nothing happens
7F: Freeze
80-FF (seem to be same as 00-7F):
DD: ACE (F5D5) [*n]
DD: ACE (F5D5) [*n]