Talk:The Big HEX List

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Latest comment: 1 year ago by Evie (Torchickens) in topic Gold/Silver/Crystal control characters
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Gold/Silver/Crystal control characters

From the Pokémon Crystal disassembly project. Probably starts at 0x15 (see mobile script).

	dict "<MOBILE>",  MobileScriptChar
	dict "<LINE>",    LineChar
	dict "<NEXT>",    NextLineChar
	dict "<CR>",      CarriageReturnChar
	dict "<NULL>",    NullChar
	dict "<SCROLL>",  _ContTextNoPause
	dict "<_CONT>",   _ContText
	dict "<PARA>",    Paragraph
	dict "<MOM>",     PrintMomsName
	dict "<PLAYER>",  PrintPlayerName
	dict "<RIVAL>",   PrintRivalName
	dict "<ROUTE>",   PlaceJPRoute
	dict "<WATASHI>", PlaceWatashi
	dict "<KOKO_WA>", PlaceKokoWa
	dict "<RED>",     PrintRedsName
	dict "<GREEN>",   PrintGreensName
	dict "#",         PlacePOKe
	dict "<PC>",      PCChar
	dict "<ROCKET>",  RocketChar
	dict "<TM>",      TMChar
	dict "<TRAINER>", TrainerChar
	dict "<KOUGEKI>", PlaceKougeki
	dict "<LF>",      LineFeedChar
	dict "<CONT>",    ContText
	dict "<……>",      SixDotsChar
	dict "<DONE>",    DoneText
	dict "<PROMPT>",  PromptText
	dict "<PKMN>",    PlacePKMN
	dict "<POKE>",    PlacePOKE
	dict "%",         NextChar
	dict "¯",         " "
	dict "<DEXEND>",  PlaceDexEnd
	dict "<TARGET>",  PlaceMoveTargetsName
	dict "<USER>",    PlaceMoveUsersName
	dict "<ENEMY>",   PlaceEnemysName
	dict "<PLAY_G>",  PlaceGenderedPlayerName
	dict "゚",         .place ; should be .diacritic
	dict "゙",         .place ; should be .diacritic

Evie (Torchickens) (talk) 21:33, 12 September 2022 (UTC)Reply