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The Big HEX List: Difference between revisions

Line 27:
! Hexadecimal !! Decimal !! R/B/Y Pokémon !! R/B/Y Attack !! R/B/Y Item !! G/S/C Pokémon !! G/S/C Attack !! G/S/C Item !! R/B/Y Character !! ASM instruction
| 00 || 0 || [[GlitchDex/RB:000|'M]] ({{CRed|Red}}/{{CBlue|Blue}})<br>[[GlitchDex/Y:000|3TRAINERPOKé₽]] ({{CYellow|Yellow}}) ||[[- (Generation I move)|Cooltrainer Move]]<br>(name is "-" on the move selection box and summary screen, random elsewhere) || [[File:RBItem00.png|link=ItemDex/RB:000|j.]] ("j.", "j item") ({{CRed|Red}}/{{CBlue|Blue}})<br>[[File:YItem00.png|link=ItemDex/Y:000]] ({{CYellow|Yellow}}) || ????? || [[- (Generation II move)|"-" (can freeze the game)]] || [[? (glitch item)|?]] || Control character: Prints an [[Error codes (Generations I and II)|error code]] if in the middle of a text box. The message ends and all text after the error code is not printed. || nop
| 01 || 1 || Rhydon || Pound || Master Ball || Bulbasaur || Pound || Master Ball || || ld bc,$xxyy
Line 41:
| 06 || 6 || Voltorb || Pay Day || Bicycle || Charizard || Pay Day || [[Teru-Sama]] || || ld b,$xx
| 07 || 7 || Nidoking || Fire Punch ||[[ItemDex/RGBY:007|????? ("Surfboard")]] || Squirtle || Fire Punch || Bicycle || || rlca
| 08 || 8 || Slowbro || Ice Punch || [[ItemDex/RGBY:008|Safari Ball]] || Wartortle || Ice Punch || Moon Stone || || ld [$xxyy],sp
Line 115:
| 2B || 43 || Hitmonlee || Leer || Secret Key || Oddish || Leer || Max Repel || || dec hl
| 2C || 44 || Hitmonchan || Bite || [[ItemDex/RGBY:044|????? (Unusable)]] || Gloom || Bite || Dire Hit || || inc l
| 2D || 45 || Arbok || Growl || Bike Voucher || Vileplume || Growl || [[Teru-Sama]] || || dec l
Line 127:
| 31 || 49 || Golem || Sonicboom || Nugget || Venomoth || Sonicboom || X Attack || || ld sp,$xxyy
| 32 || 50 || [[Missingno.|MissingNo.]] || Disable || [[ItemDex/RGBY:050|PP Up (useless)]] || Diglett || Disable || [[Teru-Sama]] || || ldd [hl],a<br>ld [hld],a
| 33 || 51 || Magmar || Acid || Poké Doll || Dugtrio || Acid || X Defend || || inc sp
Line 223:
| 61 || 97 || Sandslash || Agility || [[B4F]] {{CRBY}} || Hypno || Agility || Wht Apricorn || Bold B || ld h,c
| 62 || 98 || Omanyte || Quick Attack || [[File:RBItem62.png|link=ItemDex/RB:098]] <br> ("|w m")]] {{CRBY}} || Krabby || Quick Attack || Black Belt || Bold C || ld h,d
| 63 || 99 || Omastar || Rage || [[File:RBItem63.png|link=ItemDex/RB:099]] <br> '''("|ws m")''']] {{CRBY}} || Kingler || Rage || Blk Apricorn || Bold D || ld h,e
| 64 || 100 || Jigglypuff || Teleport || [[File:RBItem64.png|link=ItemDex/RB:100]] <br> ("|v t m")]] {{CRBY}} || Voltorb || Teleport || [[Teru-Sama]] || Bold E || ld h,h
| 65 || 101 || Wigglytuff || Night Shade || [['d m|#'d#m#]] {{CRBY}} || Electrode || Night Shade || Pnk Apricorn || Bold F || ld h,l


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