The Big HEX List: Difference between revisions

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Line 43: Line 43:
| 07 || 7 || Nidoking || Fire Punch ||[[ItemDex/RGBY:007|????? ("Surfboard")]] || Squirtle || Fire Punch || Bicycle || || rlca
| 07 || 7 || Nidoking || Fire Punch ||[[ItemDex/RGBY:007|????? ("Surfboard")]] || Squirtle || Fire Punch || Bicycle || || rlca
| 08 || 8 || Slowbro || Ice Punch || [[Safari Ball (glitch item)|Safari Ball]] || Wartortle || Ice Punch || Moon Stone || || ld [$xxyy],sp
| 08 || 8 || Slowbro || Ice Punch || [[ItemDex/RGBY:008|Safari Ball]] || Wartortle || Ice Punch || Moon Stone || || ld [$xxyy],sp
| 09 || 9 || Ivysaur || Thunderpunch || [[Pokédex (glitch item)|Pokédex]] || Blastoise || Thunderpunch || Antidote || || add hl, bc
| 09 || 9 || Ivysaur || Thunderpunch || [[ItemDex/RGBY:009|Pokédex]] || Blastoise || Thunderpunch || Antidote || || add hl, bc
| 0A || 10 || Exeggutor || Scratch || Moon Stone || Caterpie || Scratch || Burn Heal || || ld a, [bc]
| 0A || 10 || Exeggutor || Scratch || Moon Stone || Caterpie || Scratch || Burn Heal || || ld a, [bc]
Line 69: Line 69:
| 14 || 20 || Arcanine || Bind || Potion || Raticate || Bind || Repel || || inc d
| 14 || 20 || Arcanine || Bind || Potion || Raticate || Bind || Repel || || inc d
| 15 || 21 || Mew || Slam || [[BoulderBadge (glitch item)|BoulderBadge]] || Spearow || Slam || Max Elixer || || dec d
| 15 || 21 || Mew || Slam || [[ItemDex/RGBY:021|BoulderBadge]] || Spearow || Slam || Max Elixer || || dec d
| 16 || 22 || Gyarados || Vine Whip || [[CascadeBadge (glitch item)|CascadeBadge]] || Fearow || Vine Whip || Fire Stone || || ld d,$xx
| 16 || 22 || Gyarados || Vine Whip || [[ItemDex/RGBY:022|CascadeBadge]] || Fearow || Vine Whip || Fire Stone || || ld d,$xx
| 17 || 23 || Shellder || Stomp || [[ThunderBadge (glitch item)|ThunderBadge]] || Ekans || Stomp || Thunderstone || || rla
| 17 || 23 || Shellder || Stomp || [[ItemDex/RGBY:023|ThunderBadge]] || Ekans || Stomp || Thunderstone || || rla
| 18 || 24 || Tentacool || Double Kick || [[RainbowBadge (glitch item)|RainbowBadge]] || Arbok || Double Kick || Water Stone || || jr $xx
| 18 || 24 || Tentacool || Double Kick || [[ItemDex/RGBY:024|RainbowBadge]] || Arbok || Double Kick || Water Stone || || jr $xx
| 19 || 25 || Gastly || Mega Kick || [[SoulBadge (glitch item)|SoulBadge]] || Pikachu || Mega Kick || [[Teru-Sama]] || || add hl, de
| 19 || 25 || Gastly || Mega Kick || [[ItemDex/RGBY:025|SoulBadge]] || Pikachu || Mega Kick || [[Teru-Sama]] || || add hl, de
| 1A || 26 || Scyther || Jump Kick || [[MarshBadge (glitch item)|MarshBadge]] || Raichu || Jump Kick || HP Up || || ld a, [de]
| 1A || 26 || Scyther || Jump Kick || [[ItemDex/RGBY:026|MarshBadge]] || Raichu || Jump Kick || HP Up || || ld a, [de]
| 1B || 27 || Staryu || Rolling Kick || [[VolcanoBadge (glitch item)|VolcanoBadge]] || Sandshrew || Rolling Kick || Protein || || dec de
| 1B || 27 || Staryu || Rolling Kick || [[ItemDex/RGBY:027|VolcanoBadge]] || Sandshrew || Rolling Kick || Protein || || dec de
| 1C || 28 || Blastoise || Sand Attack || [[EarthBadge (glitch item)|EarthBadge]] || Sandslash || Sand Attack || Iron || || inc e
| 1C || 28 || Blastoise || Sand Attack || [[ItemDex/RGBY:028|EarthBadge]] || Sandslash || Sand Attack || Iron || || inc e
| 1D || 29 || Pinsir || Headbutt || Escape Rope || Nidoran♀ || Headbutt || Carbos || || dec e
| 1D || 29 || Pinsir || Headbutt || Escape Rope || Nidoran♀ || Headbutt || Carbos || || dec e
Line 127: Line 127:
| 31 || 49 || Golem || Sonicboom || Nugget || Venomoth || Sonicboom || X Attack || || ld sp,$xxyy
| 31 || 49 || Golem || Sonicboom || Nugget || Venomoth || Sonicboom || X Attack || || ld sp,$xxyy
| 32 || 50 || [[Missingno.|MissingNo.]] || Disable || [[PP Up (useless)]] || Diglett || Disable || [[Teru-Sama]] || || ldd [hl],a<br>ld [hld],a
| 32 || 50 || [[Missingno.|MissingNo.]] || Disable || [[ItemDex/RGBY:050|PP Up (useless)]] || Diglett || Disable || [[Teru-Sama]] || || ldd [hl],a<br>ld [hld],a
| 33 || 51 || Magmar || Acid || Poké Doll || Dugtrio || Acid || X Defend || || inc sp
| 33 || 51 || Magmar || Acid || Poké Doll || Dugtrio || Acid || X Defend || || inc sp
Line 145: Line 145:
| 3A || 58 || Seel || Ice Beam || Dire Hit || Growlithe || Ice Beam || Old Rod || || ldd a,[hl]<br>ld a,[hli]
| 3A || 58 || Seel || Ice Beam || Dire Hit || Growlithe || Ice Beam || Old Rod || || ldd a,[hl]<br>ld a,[hli]
| 3B || 59 || Diglett || Blizzard || [[Coin]] || Arcanine || Blizzard || Good Rod || || dec sp
| 3B || 59 || Diglett || Blizzard || [[ItemDex/RGBY:059|Coin]] || Arcanine || Blizzard || Good Rod || || dec sp
| 3C || 60 || Tauros || Psybeam || Fresh Water || Poliwag || Psybeam || Silver Leaf || || inc a
| 3C || 60 || Tauros || Psybeam || Fresh Water || Poliwag || Psybeam || Silver Leaf || || inc a