WRAM clear oversight (Generation II): Difference between revisions

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{{Researchneeded|Which function is ClearWRAM used for}}
{{Researchneeded|Which function is ClearWRAM used for?}}

Revision as of 20:41, 17 December 2019

The WRAM clear oversight occurs in Generation II, and is confirmed to apply to Pokémon Crystal. The internal function "ClearWRAM" does not function correctly, due to a bug in the code, only clearing bank 1 of WRAM.[1]

Relevant section in the Pokémon Crystal disassembly indicating patch to add with +

 ; Wipe swappable WRAM banks (1-7)
 ; Assumes CGB or AGB

 	ld a, 1
 	push af
 	ldh [rSVBK], a
 	xor a
 	ld hl, WRAM1_Begin
 	ld bc, WRAM1_End - WRAM1_Begin
 	call ByteFill
 	pop af
 	inc a
 	cp 8
-	jr nc, .bank_loop ; Should be jr c
+	jr c, .bank_loop
Some parts of this article have not yet been fully reviewed by a member of this wiki's staff or QC team.

Data from the Internet can be inaccurate or false, and it is easy to misremember information. For this reason there is more likely to be incorrect information in this article. This template will be removed once the information is peer-reviewed and tested by a staff or QC member.

More research is needed for this article.

Reason given: Which function is ClearWRAM used for?

See also
