< DexDex
Name: (Unknown) Identifier (HEX): 0x82 Identifier (DEC): 130 Effect pointer: 211E
Pokédex sorting 0x82 is a glitch Pokédex sorting in Pokémon Crystal.
- Game freeze due to an invalid opcode (0xDB) at address 211E in ROM. Can be avoided if invalid opcodes are ignored (i.e. on Virtual Console version, but unconfirmed there)
- Pressing Select to get to mode selection screen may successfully load it, with description "ぅ 'l hÖ 4Ä'm8BYFr 'dYN4▽'dr 'd?PyDr[Dude name control character?]'d ぅ". Pressing A may cause arbitrary code execution at region AFC9 in SRAM, which may result in a Glitch Dimension and the "This Game Pak is designed only for use on the Game Boy Color." message, due to locked SRAM.
When accessed with C7D8 method
- Same effect for pressing A as above (second bullet point)