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Name: (Unknown)

Identifier (HEX): 0x84
Identifier (DEC): 132
Effect pointer: 2BE0

Pokédex sorting 0x84 is a glitch Pokédex sorting in Pokémon Crystal.


  • Opening the listing may cause arbitrary code execution at multiple regions of the RAM in succession (if all are ended without corrupting any other state of the CPU); first region FACF in Echo RAM (a copy of DACF), then CFB1 in RAM, then B1EA in SRAM bank 0x03, then D3CD in RAM, then F017 in Echo RAM, then A7D8 in SRAM bank 0x03, then the execution may end with an invalid opcode at 58:4AE6 in ROM.
  • Unknown effect for pressing Select to get to mode selection screen

When accessed with C7D8 method