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ゥ' B (250) Dec: 219 Hex: DB Stats Lv.5: Atk 22, Def 16, Spd 5, Spc 7, HP 17 Stats Lv.100: Atk 349, Def 227, Spd 23, Spc 59, HP 168 Stats Lv.255: Atk 882, Def 571, Spd 50, Spc 142, HP 412 Attacks: Whirlwind, Blizzard, Blizzard, Meditate, Pin Missile (Lv.9), Super Glitch BA (Lv.33), Super Glitch C1 (Lv.43), Fire Blast (Lv.50), Stun Spore (Lv.71), Crabhammer (Lv.126), Mirror Move (Lv.136), Sleep Powder (Lv.145), TM07 (Lv.153), Super Glitch CD (Lv.205), Ice Beam (Lv.207) Type: Glitched/Normal Evolution? 3TrainerPoké₽ @ lv.34

Obtain: Time Capsule exploit (Flaaffy), CoolTrainer♀ move corruption or LOL glitch (0xDB sub-tile), Storage box remaining HP glitch with a remaining HP of 219, international fossil conversion glitch with an Attack stat of 219. Arbitrary code execution. Equivalent trade of RB:219 from a Red/Blue Version cartridge.

Front-sprite: On Bulbapedia. Becomes Glitch (DB) in Red/Blue.

TM/HM moves

TM01 Mega Punch, TM03 Swords Dance, TM05 Mega Kick, TM09 Take Down, TM14 Blizzard, TM21 Mega Drain, TM22 SolarBeam, TM24 Thunderbolt, TM33 Reflect, TM34 Bide, TM37 Egg Bomb, TM41 Softboiled, TM43 Sky Attack, TM46 Psywave, TM48 Rock Slide, TM49 Tri Attack, TM50 Substitute, HM02 Fly, HM03 Surf, HM04 Strength

Time Capsule exploit moves

Time Capsule exploit level-up moves: Tackle, Growl, Thundershock, Thunder Wave, Light Screen, Thunder

Time Capsule exploit TM/HM: Headbutt, Toxic, Thunder, Double Team, Swift, Defense Curl, ThunderPunch, Rest, Fire Punch, Strength, Flash

Time Capsule move tutor: Thunderbolt

Time Capsule breeding: Body Slam, Reflect, Screech, Take Down, Thunderbolt