User:CytricAcid/Beginner's Guide To ACE/US Red and Blue Guide

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Revision as of 05:54, 30 December 2022 by glitchcitywiki>Bbbbbbbbba (→‎Perform dry underflow: Tried to write another section. Since I don't have access to the game it's not unlikely that I may get some details wrong...)
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Certain steps in this guide will lead you to a game state where a mistake could crash the game, or worse, delete your save file. Make sure to double and triple check your setup and follow instructions properly before using any glitch items!

1. Party Setup

2. Get 8F through Dry Underflow and Celadon Looping trick

Get a ×255 item stack

The goal of this step is to get a stack of any item ×255 in the bag. Since the normal limit for an item stack is ×99, this goal will require a glitch. Namely, we will duplicate the 6th item in the bag by encountering either MissingNo. or 'M (00) through the old man glitch.

  1. Have any tossable item (i.e. anything that is not a Key item) as the 6th item in the bag.
    • Ideally, it should be a ×1 item stack (you can toss or use any extras), which will make later steps easier (in terms of having less math to worry about), .
    • A good candidate is a PP Up, which is a rare item that you will need to use on the Tentacool for the party setup.
  2. Go to Viridian City, and talk to the old man who shows you how to catch Pokémon. Watch his catch demonstration (by saying "No" when he asks if you are in a hurry).
  3. Immediately Fly to Fuchsia City (without otherwise leaving Viridian City).
    • Side note: The more well-known location to perform the old man glitch is the eastern coast of Cinnabar Island, but it actually works with any "eastern shore tiles" that can be reached from a Fly destination without going through an area with grass encounters. This guide will use the shore tiles on the east side of the Seaform Islands because they are closer to a location that can help us get 8F easily later.
  4. From Fuchsia City, Surf down and then left to reach this location:
    (TODO: Add screenshot)
    • For safety, save the game now, since there is a possibility we may need to reset later.
  5. Surf along the shore for wild encounters. We are looking for the glitch Pokémon MissingNo. or 'M (00), which looks like one of these:
    • If you encounter a normal Pokémon instead, just keep looking. If you encounter a Trainer or another glitch Pokémon (although the latter should be impossible on English games), immediately reset for safety.
    • Side note: As mentioned on the old man glitch page, the possible encounters depend on the player's name, but at least one of the glitch Pokémon we are looking for should always be available.
    • To ensure that the glitch has worked, check the quantity of the 6th item in the bag. It should have increased by 128, i.e. if it was a ×1 item stack in the beginning, it should now be ×129. However, since the game is not designed to display three-digit numbers as the quantity of an item, it will look glitchy like this:
      (TODO: Add screenshot)
  6. You can now escape from the battle, then toss or use two of your 6th item so that you have ×127 (if you started with an item stack that was not ×1, you still need to get rid of enough so that you have ×127).
    • Side note: If your 6th item was one that could be used in battle (e.g. a Potion), you can use two of them in battle instead, and then catch the MissingNo. or 'M, which will immediately duplicate your 6th item again, without needing a second encounter. However overall the added complexity is probably not worth it.
    • Now is a good time to make another safety save.
  7. Repeat step 5, i.e. surf along the shore for another wild encounter with a MissingNo. or 'M.
    • If you have done everything correctly, the encounter should increase the quantity of the 6th item to 255, which is the goal for this section. You can now escape from the battle and start the next section.

Perform dry underflow

Now that you have a ×255 item stack, you can save the game and experiment with it if you want to.

  • Side note: The most notable property of the ×255 item stack is its tendency to duplicate itself. For example, with PP Up ×255 as the 6th item in your bag, toss (or deposit into your PC) the entire stack of your 5th item. Your 5th item is now PP Up ×255 (as expected), but your 6th item is still PP Up ×255, meaning that you have two of those stacks now. However, if you only had 6 items to begin with, now you actually only have 5 items even though you can see PP Up ×255 as your 6th item. That 6th item will "act like the Cancel button", meaning that you won't be able to scroll past it, and if you press the A button on it, instead of bringing up the use/toss menu, you will exit the item menu. This may be confusing at first, but just keep in mind that the game keeps track of your item count (which is supposed to be the number of item stacks you have) and your item list separately. Try not to decrease your item count too much prematurely (although you should be fine if you don't toss, use or deposit from your ×255 item stack unless instructed to).

In order to obtain 8F, we want to perform dry underflow, which does involve decreasing the item count a lot — namely, decreasing it to -1. For this purpose, we need to make use of a somewhat obscure functionality of the item menu: Pressing the Select button on two items allows you to swap items. Furthermore, if they are the same type of items, those item stacks are combined into one stack instead as long as the total number of items is not more than 99. This decreases the number of item stacks (i.e. decreases the item count) and we will ultimately use this to bring the item count to -1.

The below steps may cause you to lose some items from your inventory. In the grand scheme of things that is not that important since eventually you will be able to get any item in any quantity back with ACE, but you do need a few items later (or a bit of money to buy them) to get things going smoothly.

  1. Make sure to have at least two item stacks above your topmost ×255 item stack. Also make sure that you have access to your topmost ×255 item stack, and it is not "acting like the Cancel button" (i.e. make sure that pressing the A button on it brings up the use/toss menu, and does not exit the item menu).
  2. Get rid of all other items above your topmost ×255 item stack: Deposit all Key items and other things you want to keep into the PC, and toss all unimportant items.
    • Your ×255 item stack should duplicate itself and fill your inventory like this:
      (TODO: Add screenshot (or would a text list work better here?))
  3. If necessary, start tossing the second ×255 item stack until your item count is 1. You will know that your item count is 1 when you are no longer able to toss your second ×255 item stack because it is acting like the Cancel button, and you are no longer able to scroll to your third item stack.
  4. Toss 253 from your first ×255 item stack, so that you have 2 left.
    • Your inventory should now look like this:
      (TODO: Add screenshot)
  5. Swap your first item stack (the ×2 stack) and second item stack (by pressing the Select button on the first item stack and then on the second item stack).
    • They will combine into a ×1 item stack like this:
      (TODO: Add screenshot)
    • At this point, don't accidentally exit your item menu by pressing A or B. Otherwise you will be unable to proceed, and the best course of action is to reset the game to load your last save file and try again.
  6. Swap your first item stack (the ×1 stack) and second item stack again.
    • They will combine into a ×0 item stack like this:
      (TODO: Add screenshot)
    • If you've done everything correctly, you should be able to scroll down again, even past the Cancel button and past the 20th item (normally the maximum number of items of your bag). What happened is that you have decreased your item count to -1, but since the game is not designed to handle a negative item count, it becomes 255 instead, giving you access to 255 items. You can now start the next section.

Obtain 8F

3. Getting Inventory back to normal/ setting up our first code