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{{Minor Gen 3}}
[[Image:PDspeciesglitch.png|270px|thumb|right|An example of a Pidgey affected by the Pokédex Speciescategory Glitchglitch, its Species namecategory should actually be the "Tiny Bird" Pokémon.]]
The '''Pokédex category glitch''' is a [[glitch]] which only occurs in [[List of revision differences in the core Pokémon games|version 1.0]] of {{FRLG}}, where only the first word in a Pokémon's category name is displayed. For example, Pidgey is called the "Tiny" Pokémon instead of the "Tiny Bird" Pokémon.
In {{RSE}}, the glitch does not occur, despite Ruby and Sapphire being earlier releases and featuring category names with more than one word.
The '''Pokédex Species Glitch''' is a miscellaneous [[glitch]] which only exists in early versions of Pokémon Firered and Leafgreen. In the previous Generation III Pokémon games; the Species names for Pokémon were only one word. For example, in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire the Species name for Pidgey was the "Tinybird" Pokémon, instead of the "Tiny Bird" Pokémon. This was possibly because of an error in the game engine because the game would ignore any words after spaces in the Species dialogue, so if Pidgey was named the "Tiny Bird" Pokémon, it would appear on the Pokédex as the "Tiny" Pokémon.
==Affected Pokémon==
This is the case for the earlier builds of Pokémon Firered and Leafgreen, since Nintendo decided to give Pidgey its original species name as in Pokémon Red and Blue, a Pokémon's name will be "cut off" to the first word, since Pokémon Firered and Leafgreen almost have the same engine of Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. If this [[glitch]] occurs in a player's Pokémon game he or she can be certain that he or she has version 1.0.
#Squirtle (Tiny Turtle)
#Weedle (Hairy Bug)
#Beedrill (Poison Bee)
#Pidgey (Tiny Bird)
#Spearow (Tiny Bird)
#Nidoran♀ (Poison Pin)
#Nidorina (Poison Pin)
#Nidoran♂ (Poison Pin)
#Nidorino (Poison Pin)
#Venomoth (Poison Moth)
#Meowth (Scratch Cat)
#Persian (Classy Cat)
#Mankey (Pig Monkey)
#Primeape (Pig Monkey)
#Ponyta (Fire Horse)
#Rapidash (Fire Horse)
#Slowbro (Hermit Crab)
#Farfetch'd (Wild Duck)
#Doduo (Twin Bird)
#Dodrio (Triple Bird)
#Seel (Sea Lion)
#Dewgong (Sea Lion)
#Onix (Rock Snake)
#Krabby (River Crab)
#Marowak (Bone Keeper)
#Koffing (Poison Gas)
#Weezing (Poison Gas)
#Staryu (Star Shape)
#Jynx (Human Shape)
#Pinsir (Stag Beetle)
#Tauros (Wild Bull)
#Vaporeon (Bubble Jet)
#Mew (New Species)
#Cyndaquil (Fire Mouse)
#Totodile (Big Jaw)
#Croconaw (Big Jaw)
#Feraligatr (Big Jaw)
#Furret (Long Body)
#Ledyba (Five Star)
#Ledian (Five Star)
#Spinarak (String Spit)
#Ariados (Long Leg)
#Pichu (Tiny Mouse)
#Cleffa (Star Shape)
#Togepi (Spike Ball)
#Natu (Tiny Bird)
#Marill (Aqua Mouse)
#Azumarill (Aqua Rabbit)
#Aipom (Long Tail)
#Yamna (Clear Wing)
#Wooper (Water Fish)
#Quagsire (Water Fish)
#Girafarig (Long Neck)
#Dunsparce (Land Snake)
#Steelix (Iron Snake)
#Heracross (Single Horn)
#Sneasel (Sharp Claw)
#Teddiursa (Little Bear)
#Skarmory (Armor Bird)
#Phanpy (Long Nose)
#Stantler (Big Horn)
#Magby (Live Coal)
#Miltank (Milk Cow)
#Larvitar (Rock Skin)
#Pupitar (Hard Shell)
#Celebi (Time Travel)
#Treecko (Wood Gecko)
#Grovyle (Wood Gecko)
#Combusken (Young Fowl)
#Mudkip (Mud Fish)
#Marshtomp (Mud Fish)
#Swampert (Mud Fish)
#Dustox (Poison Moth)
#Lotad (Water Weed)
#Pelipper (Water Bird)
#Surskit (Pond Skater)
#Vigoroth (Wild Monkey)
#Loudred (Big Voice)
#Exploud (Loud Noise)
#Hariyama (Arm Thrust)
#Azurill (Polka Dot)
#Aron (Iron Armor)
#Lairon (Iron Armor)
#Aggron (Iron Armor)
#Swalot (Poison Bag)
#Wailmer (Ball Whale)
#Wailord (Float Whale)
#Spinda (Spot Panda)
#Trapinch (Ant Pit)
#Swablu (Cotton Bird)
#Zangoose (Cat Ferret)
#Seviper (Fang Snake)
#Baltoy (Clay Doll)
#Claydol (Clay Doll)
#Lileep (Sea Lily)
#Anorith (Old Shrimp)
#Kecleon (Color Swap)
#Chimecho (Wind Chime)
#Snorunt (Snow Hat)
#Sealeo (Ball Roll)
#Walrein (Ice Break)
#Huntail (Deep Sea)
#Gorebyss (South Sea)
#Bagon (Rock Head)
#Beldum (Iron Ball)
#Metang (Iron Claw)
#Metagross (Iron Leg)
#Regirock (Rock Peak)
#Kyogre (Sea Basin)
#Rayquaza (Sky High)
==External links==
#[http://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=208429 PokéCommunity thread with technical information].
#[http://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=208429] - An article with technical information about the Pokédex Species Glitch.
[[Category:Generation III glitches]]

Latest revision as of 21:02, 28 September 2016

Miscellaneous glitches of Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen and Pokémon Emerald

An example of a Pidgey affected by the Pokédex category glitch, its category should actually be the "Tiny Bird" Pokémon.

The Pokédex category glitch is a glitch which only occurs in version 1.0 of Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, where only the first word in a Pokémon's category name is displayed. For example, Pidgey is called the "Tiny" Pokémon instead of the "Tiny Bird" Pokémon.

In Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald, the glitch does not occur, despite Ruby and Sapphire being earlier releases and featuring category names with more than one word.

Affected Pokémon

  1. Squirtle (Tiny Turtle)
  2. Weedle (Hairy Bug)
  3. Beedrill (Poison Bee)
  4. Pidgey (Tiny Bird)
  5. Spearow (Tiny Bird)
  6. Nidoran♀ (Poison Pin)
  7. Nidorina (Poison Pin)
  8. Nidoran♂ (Poison Pin)
  9. Nidorino (Poison Pin)
  10. Venomoth (Poison Moth)
  11. Meowth (Scratch Cat)
  12. Persian (Classy Cat)
  13. Mankey (Pig Monkey)
  14. Primeape (Pig Monkey)
  15. Ponyta (Fire Horse)
  16. Rapidash (Fire Horse)
  17. Slowbro (Hermit Crab)
  18. Farfetch'd (Wild Duck)
  19. Doduo (Twin Bird)
  20. Dodrio (Triple Bird)
  21. Seel (Sea Lion)
  22. Dewgong (Sea Lion)
  23. Onix (Rock Snake)
  24. Krabby (River Crab)
  25. Marowak (Bone Keeper)
  26. Koffing (Poison Gas)
  27. Weezing (Poison Gas)
  28. Staryu (Star Shape)
  29. Jynx (Human Shape)
  30. Pinsir (Stag Beetle)
  31. Tauros (Wild Bull)
  32. Vaporeon (Bubble Jet)
  33. Mew (New Species)
  34. Cyndaquil (Fire Mouse)
  35. Totodile (Big Jaw)
  36. Croconaw (Big Jaw)
  37. Feraligatr (Big Jaw)
  38. Furret (Long Body)
  39. Ledyba (Five Star)
  40. Ledian (Five Star)
  41. Spinarak (String Spit)
  42. Ariados (Long Leg)
  43. Pichu (Tiny Mouse)
  44. Cleffa (Star Shape)
  45. Togepi (Spike Ball)
  46. Natu (Tiny Bird)
  47. Marill (Aqua Mouse)
  48. Azumarill (Aqua Rabbit)
  49. Aipom (Long Tail)
  50. Yamna (Clear Wing)
  51. Wooper (Water Fish)
  52. Quagsire (Water Fish)
  53. Girafarig (Long Neck)
  54. Dunsparce (Land Snake)
  55. Steelix (Iron Snake)
  56. Heracross (Single Horn)
  57. Sneasel (Sharp Claw)
  58. Teddiursa (Little Bear)
  59. Skarmory (Armor Bird)
  60. Phanpy (Long Nose)
  61. Stantler (Big Horn)
  62. Magby (Live Coal)
  63. Miltank (Milk Cow)
  64. Larvitar (Rock Skin)
  65. Pupitar (Hard Shell)
  66. Celebi (Time Travel)
  67. Treecko (Wood Gecko)
  68. Grovyle (Wood Gecko)
  69. Combusken (Young Fowl)
  70. Mudkip (Mud Fish)
  71. Marshtomp (Mud Fish)
  72. Swampert (Mud Fish)
  73. Dustox (Poison Moth)
  74. Lotad (Water Weed)
  75. Pelipper (Water Bird)
  76. Surskit (Pond Skater)
  77. Vigoroth (Wild Monkey)
  78. Loudred (Big Voice)
  79. Exploud (Loud Noise)
  80. Hariyama (Arm Thrust)
  81. Azurill (Polka Dot)
  82. Aron (Iron Armor)
  83. Lairon (Iron Armor)
  84. Aggron (Iron Armor)
  85. Swalot (Poison Bag)
  86. Wailmer (Ball Whale)
  87. Wailord (Float Whale)
  88. Spinda (Spot Panda)
  89. Trapinch (Ant Pit)
  90. Swablu (Cotton Bird)
  91. Zangoose (Cat Ferret)
  92. Seviper (Fang Snake)
  93. Baltoy (Clay Doll)
  94. Claydol (Clay Doll)
  95. Lileep (Sea Lily)
  96. Anorith (Old Shrimp)
  97. Kecleon (Color Swap)
  98. Chimecho (Wind Chime)
  99. Snorunt (Snow Hat)
  100. Sealeo (Ball Roll)
  101. Walrein (Ice Break)
  102. Huntail (Deep Sea)
  103. Gorebyss (South Sea)
  104. Bagon (Rock Head)
  105. Beldum (Iron Ball)
  106. Metang (Iron Claw)
  107. Metagross (Iron Leg)
  108. Regirock (Rock Peak)
  109. Kyogre (Sea Basin)
  110. Rayquaza (Sky High)

External links

  1. PokéCommunity thread with technical information.