The Big HEX List: Difference between revisions

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Text replacement - "(\bld(?:|i|l|d|h) (?:.+, ?)?)\((.+)\)" to "$1[$2]"
m (Use the templates {{PK}} and {{MN}})
m (Text replacement - "(\bld(?:|i|l|d|h) (?:.+, ?)?)\((.+)\)" to "$1[$2]")
Line 31:
| 01 || 1 || Rhydon || Pound || Master Ball || Bulbasaur || Pound || Master Ball || || ld bc,$xxyy
| 02 || 2 || Kangaskhan || Karate Chop || Ultra Ball || Ivysaur || Karate Chop || Ultra Ball || || ld ([bc)],a
| 03 || 3 || Nidoran♂ || Doubleslap || Great Ball || Venusaur || Doubleslap || Brightpowder || || inc bc
Line 43:
| 07 || 7 || Nidoking || Fire Punch ||[[????? (0x07 glitch item)|????? ("Surfboard")]] || Squirtle || Fire Punch || Bicycle || || rlca
| 08 || 8 || Slowbro || Ice Punch || [[Safari Ball (glitch item)|Safari Ball]] || Wartortle || Ice Punch || Moon Stone || || ld ([$xxyy)],sp
| 09 || 9 || Ivysaur || Thunderpunch || [[Pokédex (glitch item)|Pokédex]] || Blastoise || Thunderpunch || Antidote || || add hl, bc
| 0A || 10 || Exeggutor || Scratch || Moon Stone || Caterpie || Scratch || Burn Heal || || ld a, ([bc)]
| 0B || 11 || Lickitung || Vicegrip || Antidote || Metapod || Vicegrip || Ice Heal || || dec bc
Line 63:
| 11 || 17 || Cubone || Wing Attack || Max Potion || Pidgeotto || Wing Attack || Super Potion || || ld de,$xxyy
| 12 || 18 || Rhyhorn || Whirlwind || Hyper Potion || Pidgeot || Whirlwind || Potion || || ld ([de)], a
| 13 || 19 || Lapras || Fly || Super Potion || Rattata || Fly || Escape Rope || || inc de
Line 79:
| 19 || 25 || Gastly || Mega Kick || [[SoulBadge (glitch item)|SoulBadge]] || Pikachu || Mega Kick || [[Teru-Sama]] || || add hl, de
| 1A || 26 || Scyther || Jump Kick || [[MarshBadge (glitch item)|MarshBadge]] || Raichu || Jump Kick || HP Up || || ld a, ([de)]
| 1B || 27 || Staryu || Rolling Kick || [[VolcanoBadge (glitch item)|VolcanoBadge]] || Sandshrew || Rolling Kick || Protein || || dec de
Line 95:
| 21 || 33 || Growlithe || Tackle || Thunderstone || Nidorino || Tackle || X Accuracy || || ld hl,$xxyy
| 22 || 34 || Onix || Body Slam || Water Stone || Nidoking || Body Slam || Leaf Stone || || ldi ([hl)],a<br>ld ([hli)],a
| 23 || 35 || Fearow || Wrap || HP Up || Clefairy || Wrap || Metal Powder || || inc hl
Line 111:
| 29 || 41 || Machoke || Twineedle || Dome Fossil || Zubat || Twineedle || Guard Spec. || || add hl, hl
| 2A || 42 || Mr. Mime || Pin Missile || Helix Fossil || Golbat || Pin Missile || Super Repel || || ldi a, ([hl)]<br>ld a,([hli)]
| 2B || 43 || Hitmonlee || Leer || Secret Key || Oddish || Leer || Max Repel || || dec hl
Line 127:
| 31 || 49 || Golem || Sonicboom || Nugget || Venomoth || Sonicboom || X Attack || || ld sp,$xxyy
| 32 || 50 || [[Missingno.|MissingNo.]] || Disable || [[PP Up (useless)]] || Diglett || Disable || [[Teru-Sama]] || || ldd ([hl)],a<br>ld ([hld)],a
| 33 || 51 || Magmar || Acid || Poké Doll || Dugtrio || Acid || X Defend || || inc sp
Line 135:
| 35 || 53 || Electabuzz || Flamethrower || Revive || Persian || Flamethrower || X Special || || dec (hl)
| 36 || 54 || Magneton || Mist || Max Revive || Psyduck || Mist || Coin Case || || ld ([hl)],$xx
| 37 || 55 || Koffing || Water Gun || Guard Spec. || Golduck || Water Gun || Itemfinder || || scf
Line 143:
| 39 || 57 || Mankey || Surf || Max Repel || Primeape || Surf || Exp. Share || || add hl,sp
| 3A || 58 || Seel || Ice Beam || Dire Hit || Growlithe || Ice Beam || Old Rod || || ldd a,([hl)]<br>ld a,([hli)]
| 3B || 59 || Diglett || Blizzard || [[Coin]] || Arcanine || Blizzard || Good Rod || || dec sp
Line 167:
| 45 || 69 || [[Missingno.|MissingNo.]] || Seismic Toss || Coin Case || Bellsprout || Seismic Toss || Mystery Egg || || ld b,l
| 46 || 70 || Doduo || Strength || Oak's Parcel || Weepinbell || Strength || [[Teru-Sama]] ({{CGold|Gold}}/{{CSilver|Silver}})<br>[[bp:Clear Bell|Clear Bell]] ({{CCrystal|Crystal}}) || || ld b,([hl)]
| 47 || 71 || Poliwag || Absorb || Item Finder || Victreebel || Absorb || Silver Wing || || ld b,a
Line 183:
| 4D || 77 || Meowth || Poisonpowder || Good Rod || Ponyta || Poisonpowder || Sharp Beak || || ld c,l
| 4E || 78 || Krabby || Stun Spore || Super Rod || Rapidash || Stun Spore || Przcureberry || Control character: Move down one or two lines || ld c,([hl)]
| 4F || 79 || [[Missingno.|MissingNo.]] || Sleep Powder || PP Up || Slowpoke || Sleep Powder || Burnt Berry || || ld c,a
Line 199:
| 55 || 85 || Raichu || Thunderbolt || [[B1F]] {{CRBY}} || Dodrio || Thunderbolt || Red Apricorn || Control character: New message box page + ₽4C (13 frames) || ld d,l
| 56 || 86 || [[Missingno.|MissingNo.]] || Thunder Wave || [[1F]] {{CRBY}} || Seel || Thunder Wave || Tinymushroom ||…… (two characters)|| ld d,([hl)]
| 57 || 87 || [[Missingno.|MissingNo.]] || Thunder || [[2F]] {{CRBY}} || Dewgong || Thunder || Big Mushroom ||('full' terminator)|| ld d,a
Line 215:
| 5D || 93 || Seadra || Confusion || [[8F]] {{CRBY}} || Haunter || Confusion || Grn Apricorn || Control character: "TRAINER" || ld e,l
| 5E || 94 || [[Missingno.|MissingNo.]] || Psychic || [[9F]] {{CRBY}} || Gengar || Psychic || Cleanse Tag || Control character: "ROCKET" || ld e,([hl)]
| 5F || 95 || [[Missingno.|MissingNo.]] || Hypnosis || [[10F]] {{CRBY}} || Onix || Hypnosis || Mystic Water ||. (and terminator) || ld e,a
Line 231:
| 65 || 101 || Wigglytuff || Night Shade || [['d m|#'d#m#]] {{CRBY}} || Electrode || Night Shade || Pnk Apricorn || Bold F || ld h,l
| 66 || 102 || Eevee || Mimic || [[m (glitch item hex:66)|#m#]] {{CRBY}} || Exeggcute || Mimic || Blackglasses || Bold G || ld h,([hl)]
| 67 || 103 || Flareon || Screech || [[w 'l m|w 'l#m#]] {{CRBY}} || Exeggutor || Screech || Slowpoketail || Bold H || ld h,a
Line 247:
| 6D || 109 || Paras || Confuse Ray || [[il|#il#]] {{CRBY}} || Koffing || Confuse Ray || Miracleberry || Bold : || ld l,l
| 6E || 110 || Poliwhirl || Withdraw || [[Lg-|Lg#-]] {{CRBY}} || Weezing || Withdraw || Pearl || Small hiragana i (ぃ) || ld l,([hl)]
| 6F || 111 || Poliwrath || Defense Curl || [[-g|#-g#]] {{CRBY}} || Rhyhorn || Defense Curl || Big Pearl || Small hiragana u (ぅ) || ld l,a
| 70 || 112 || Weedle || Barrier || [[QGnS I|#QGnS#I]] {{CRBY}} || Rhydon || Barrier || Everstone || Bold '(opening single quote) || ld ([hl)],b
| 71 || 113 || Kakuna || Light Screen || [[GnSI|Gn#SI]] {{CRBY}} || Chansey || Light Screen || Spell Tag || Bold '(closing single quote) || ld ([hl)],c
| 72 || 114 || Beedrill || Haze || [[Q;MP-|#Q;MP-]] {{CRBY}} || Tangela || Haze || Ragecandybar || Bold "(opening double quote) || ld ([hl)],d
| 73 || 115 || [[Missingno.|MissingNo.]] || Reflect || [[:MP-]] {{CRBY}} || Kangaskhan || Reflect || [[Teru-Sama]] ({{CGold|Gold}}/{{CSilver|Silver}})<br>[[bp:GS Ball|GS Ball]] ({{CCrystal|Crystal}}) || Bold "(closing double quote) || ld ([hl)],e
| 74 || 116 || Dodrio || Focus Energy || [[DHNhIT4 89 ゥ N]] {{CRBY}} || Horsea || Focus Energy || [[Teru-Sama]] ({{CGold|Gold}}/{{CSilver|Silver}})<br>[[bp:Blue Card|Blue Card]] ({{CCrystal|Crystal}}) || Bold . || ld ([hl)],h
| 75 || 117 || Primeape || Bide ||[[ぅ (glitch item hex:75)|ぅ]] {{CRBY}} || Seadra || Bide || Miracle Seed || ... || ld ([hl)],l
| 76 || 118 || Dugtrio || Metronome ||[[Glitch item (hex:76) (disambiguation)|####]] {{CRBY}} || Goldeen || Metronome || Thick Club || Small hiragana a (ぁ) || halt
| 77 || 119 || Venomoth || Mirror Move || [[4 (glitch item hex:77)|4]] {{CRBY}} || Seaking || Mirror Move || Focus Band || Small hiragana e (ぇ) || ld ([hl)],a
| 78 || 120 || Dewgong || Selfdestruct ||[[ItemDex/RB:120|(no name)]] ({{CRed|Red}}/{{CBlue|Blue}})<br>[[ItemDex/Y:120|₽ ぅ]] ({{CYellow|Yellow}}) || Staryu || Selfdestruct || [[Teru-Sama]] || Small hiragana o (ぉ) || ld a,b
Line 279:
| 7D || 125 || Butterfree || Bone Club || [[ItemDex/RB:125|# ₽ ₽ぅ#######]] ({{CRed|Red}}/{{CBlue|Blue}})<br>[[ItemDex/Y:125| # ₽ #ぅ4A # Q]] ({{CYellow|Yellow}}) || Electabuzz || Bone Club || Hard Stone || Pokéball Border bottom left || ld a,l
| 7E || 126 || Machamp || Fire Blast || [[ItemDex/RB:126|## ## ## A# ?##]] ({{CRed|Red}}/{{CBlue|Blue}})<br>[[ItemDex/Y:126| ####4B ##Q #]] ({{CYellow|Yellow}}) || Magmar || Fire Blast || Lucky Egg || Pokéball Border bottom right || ld a,([hl)]
| 7F || 127 || [[Missingno.|MissingNo.]] || Waterfall ||[[ItemDex/RB:127|#(player) #7#####6####7####]] ({{CRed|Red}}/{{CBlue|Blue}})<br>[[ItemDex/Y:127|#ぇ #### ### #####u#]] ({{CYellow|Yellow}}) || Pinsir || Waterfall || Card Key || (Space) || ld a,a
Line 475:
| DF || 223 || Trainer class: Bird Keeper*{{br2}}Glitch Pokémon: [[GlitchDex/RB:223|<nowiki> .PkMn</nowiki>]] ({{CRed|Red}}/{{CBlue|Blue}})<br>[[GlitchDex/Y:223|<nowiki>p</nowiki>]] ({{CYellow|Yellow}}) || TM23 || TM23 || Remoraid || Dynamicpunch || TM31 || || rst 18h
| E0 || 224 || Trainer class: Blackbelt*{{br2}}Glitch Pokémon: [[GlitchDex/RB:224|<nowiki>/PkMn ▼PkMn</nowiki>]] ({{CRed|Red}}/{{CBlue|Blue}})<br>[[GlitchDex/Y:224|<nowiki>8 P ァ</nowiki>]] ({{CYellow|Yellow}}) || TM24 || TM24 || Octillery || Megahorn || TM32 || (apostrophe) || ld ([$ffxx)],a
| E1 || 225 || Trainer class: Rival (#1)*{{br2}}Glitch Pokémon: [[GlitchDex/RB:225|<nowiki>'v</nowiki>]] ({{CRed|Red}}/{{CBlue|Blue}})<br>[[GlitchDex/Y:225|<nowiki>'r 'r 4</nowiki>]] ({{CYellow|Yellow}}) || TM25 || TM25 || Delibird || Dragonbreath || TM33 || {{PK}} (Pk symbol) || pop hl
| E2 || 226 || Trainer class: Prof. Oak*{{br2}}Glitch Pokémon: [[GlitchDex/RB:226|<nowiki>……</nowiki>]] ({{CRed|Red}}/{{CBlue|Blue}})<br>[[GlitchDex/Y:226|<nowiki> (h4to89</nowiki>]] ({{CYellow|Yellow}}) || TM26 || TM26 || Mantine || Baton Pass || TM34 || {{MN}} (Mn symbol) || ld ([$ff00+c)],a
| E3 || 227 || Trainer class: Chief*{{br2}}Glitch Pokémon: [[GlitchDex/RB:227|<nowiki>Glitch (E3)</nowiki>]] ({{CRed|Red}}/{{CBlue|Blue}})<br>[[GlitchDex/Y:227|<nowiki>4 89 4</nowiki>]] ({{CYellow|Yellow}}) || TM27 || TM27 || Skarmory || Encore || TM35 || - (dash) || invalid
Line 495:
| E9 || 233 || Trainer class: Bruno*{{br2}}Glitch Pokémon: [[GlitchDex/RB:233|<nowiki>c</nowiki>]] ({{CRed|Red}}/{{CBlue|Blue}})<br>[[GlitchDex/Y:233|<nowiki>4HI?</nowiki>]] ({{CYellow|Yellow}}) || TM33 || TM33 || Porygon2 || Vital Throw || TM41 || ァ (small katakana a) || jp hl
| EA || 234 || Trainer class: Brock*{{br2}}Glitch Pokémon: [[GlitchDex/RB:234|<nowiki>A (EA)</nowiki>]] ({{CRed|Red}}/{{CBlue|Blue}})<br>[[GlitchDex/Y:234|<nowiki>'r ゥ</nowiki>]] ({{CYellow|Yellow}}) || TM34 || TM34 || Stantler || Morning Sun || TM42 || ゥ (small katakana u) || ld ([$xxyy)],a
| EB || 235 || Trainer class: Misty*{{br2}}Glitch Pokémon: [[GlitchDex/RB:235|<nowiki>Glitch (EB)</nowiki>]] ({{CRed|Red}}/{{CBlue|Blue}})<br>[[GlitchDex/Y:235|<nowiki>. 4( h 4</nowiki>]] ({{CYellow|Yellow}}) || TM35 || TM35 || Smeargle || Synthesis || TM43 || ェ (small katakana e) || invalid
Line 507:
| EF || 239 || Trainer class: Blaine*{{br2}}Glitch Pokémon: [[GlitchDex/RB:239|<nowiki>ゥ₽'M</nowiki>]] ({{CRed|Red}}/{{CBlue|Blue}})<br>[[GlitchDex/Y:239|<nowiki>h 4Pゥ ゥ…</nowiki>]] ({{CYellow|Yellow}}) || TM39 || TM39 || Elekid || Twister || TM47 || Male symbol (♂) || rst 28h
| F0 || 240 || Trainer class: Sabrina*{{br2}}Glitch Pokémon: [[GlitchDex/RB:240|<nowiki>ゥ₽ (F0)</nowiki>]] ({{CRed|Red}}/{{CBlue|Blue}})<br>[[GlitchDex/Y:240|<nowiki>. ゥ ( .I' .</nowiki>]] ({{CYellow|Yellow}}) || TM40 || TM40 || Magby || Rain Dance || TM48 || Pokédollar symbol (₽) || ld a,([$ffxx)]
| F1 || 241 || Trainer class: Gentleman*{{br2}}Glitch Pokémon: [[GlitchDex/RB:241|<nowiki>94</nowiki>]] ({{CRed|Red}}/{{CBlue|Blue}})<br>[[GlitchDex/Y:241|<nowiki>' B' ゥ</nowiki>]] ({{CYellow|Yellow}}) || TM41 || TM41 || Miltank || Sunny Day || TM49 || × (multiplication sign) || pop af
| F2 || 242 || Trainer class: Rival (#2)*{{br2}}Glitch Pokémon: [[GlitchDex/RB:242|<nowiki> ゥ l (F2)</nowiki>]] ({{CRed|Red}}/{{CBlue|Blue}})<br>[[GlitchDex/Y:242|<nowiki>ゥ ゥェ ゥ ▷</nowiki>]] ({{CYellow|Yellow}}) || TM42 || TM42 || Blissey || Crunch || TM50 || . (period) || ld a, ([$ff00+c)]
| F3 || 243 || Trainer class: Rival (Final)*{{br2}}Glitch Pokémon: [[GlitchDex/RB:243|<nowiki>ゥ l (F3)</nowiki>]] ({{CRed|Red}}/{{CBlue|Blue}})<br>[[GlitchDex/Y:243|<nowiki>ゥ ₽ A (F3)</nowiki>]] ({{CYellow|Yellow}}) || TM43 || TM43 || Raikou || Mirror Coat || HM01 || / (division slash) || di
Line 523:
| F7 || 247 || Trainer class: Lance*{{br2}}Glitch Pokémon: [[GlitchDex/RB:247|<nowiki>'Ng'Mp</nowiki>]] ({{CRed|Red}}/{{CBlue|Blue}})<br>[[GlitchDex/Y:247|<nowiki>PkMn (F7)</nowiki>]] ({{CYellow|Yellow}}) || TM47 || TM47 || Pupitar || Shadow Ball || HM05 || 1 || rst 30h
| F8 || 248 || [[Glitch Trainer]]s*:<br>Pk ({{CRed|Red}}/{{CBlue|Blue}}),<br>’ ({{CYellow|Yellow}})<br>(Can be used for ZZAZZ glitch in {{RBY}})'''***'''{{br2}}Glitch Pokémon: [[GlitchDex/RB:248|<nowiki>'Ng ゥ₽</nowiki>]] ({{CRed|Red}}/{{CBlue|Blue}})<br>[[GlitchDex/Y:248|<nowiki>ゥ 4- 4</nowiki>]] ({{CYellow|Yellow}}) || TM48 || TM48 || Tyranitar || Future Sight || HM06 || 2 || ld hl,([sp+$xx)]
| F9 || 249 || Glitch Trainer class*:<br><nowiki>1▶ゥ·</nowiki><br>{{CRBY}}<br>(Can be used for ZZAZZ glitch in {{Y}}'''***'''){{br2}}Glitch Pokémon: [[GlitchDex/RB:249|<nowiki>94 h</nowiki>]] ({{CRed|Red}}/{{CBlue|Blue}})<br>[[GlitchDex/Y:249|<nowiki>₽</nowiki>]] ({{CYellow|Yellow}}) || TM49 || TM49 || Lugia || Rock Smash || HM07 || 3 || ld sp,hl
| FA || 250 || Glitch Trainer class*:<br><nowiki>4 8 :</nowiki> ({{CRed|Red}}/{{CBlue|Blue}})<br><nowiki>4 8 )</nowiki> ({{CYellow|Yellow}})<br>(Can be used for ZZAZZ glitch in {{Y}}'''***'''){{br2}}Glitch Pokémon: [[GlitchDex/RB:250|<nowiki>Glitch (FA)</nowiki>]] ({{CRed|Red}}/{{CBlue|Blue}})<br>[[GlitchDex/Y:250|<nowiki>ゥ▾ ゥ♂</nowiki>]] ({{CYellow|Yellow}}) || TM50 || TM50 || Ho-oh || Whirlpool || [[HM08 (Generation II glitch item)|HM08]] || 4 || ld a,([$xxyy)]
| FB || 251 || Glitch Trainer class*:<br><nowiki>) R 4.</nowiki> ({{CRed|Red}}/{{CBlue|Blue}})<br>(Can be used for ZZAZZ glitch in {{RBY}})'''***'''<br>(no name) ({{CYellow|Yellow}}){{br2}}Glitch Pokémon: [[GlitchDex/RB:251|<nowiki>'M 'N g</nowiki>]] ({{CRed|Red}}/{{CBlue|Blue}})<br>[[GlitchDex/Y:251|<nowiki>F q ,</nowiki>]] ({{CYellow|Yellow}}) || [[TM51 (disambiguation)|TM51]] || [[TM51 (disambiguation)|TM51]] || Celebi || Beat Up || [[HM09 (Generation II glitch item)|HM09]] || 5 || ei
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